Author: jenniferreynolds

After waking in a field, naked, battered, bloody, and with no memory of who she was or what happened to her, Olivia “Liv” Stone, discovers that roughly four years have passed and a plague has swept her world, killing some and turning most into creatures only heard about in horror stories. Worse, she fears that during those missing years, she might have been one of the beings. How that was … possible, and how she was human again, Liv doesn’t know but aims to find out. Along the way, she joins a war to eliminate the remaining creatures by waking…

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When everyone you know is dying, how do you go on living? When the world collapses, how do you rebuild it? When you are little more than a child yourself, how do you rule the remnants of such a world?All Eve wanted out of life was to graduate college, marry her high school boyfriend, and write for World Weekly News, but when a sickness is set upon the world, she finds herself caring for a slowly … for a slowly growing group of survivors. Can she save herself and them from starvation, from insanity, from each other? Can her group…

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Before the outbreak, Sahara was a high school teacher living alone in a small Alabama town. She saw her life as nothing more than endless days of teaching children Shakespeare and nights reading paranormal romances. She was happy with her life, as quiet and mundane as it was. After the outbreak, Sahara becomes a warrior traveling across the country in search of sanctuary. She spends her days and … her days and nights killing zombies, searching for food, trying to maintain her sanity, and if Daniel has his say, finding love. How will Sahara help those who are left find…

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