Russ and Anne Mathews live in a rural suburb in Tennessee. Regular people, with regular jobs, living a normal life – except for one thing. They are what many people call “preppers”. They have stocked up on supplies to survive any kind of event they can think of that may occur to disrupt life as they know it. When that event comes, they start preparing for the new way of life they will face. Along … face. Along with their teenage son, and their next door neighbors and best friends, they plan their exit from a neighborhood too close to the city to a farm in the country. They just have to get there.
Their faith in their own capabilities and in humankind will be challenged, as they fight to protect and keep their supplies and, quite possibly, their lives.
Narrated by Anne, the reader quickly gets drawn into the family and the problem. The major characters are all survivalists, and all have been preparing for a possible problem for some time. Their preparations are interesting, and most of the action is worrisome, but not violent, although there is one scene that turns that way. I was sorry to see the end of the book, but am keeping my eye open for book 2.
Made me think. Hope it does the same fer others. Hope I’m dead b4 this comes to pass….
Makes you hope this will never happen.
Good thought provoking book about a family’s response to an EMP.
I couldn’t wait to find out what was happening next. The characters were interesting, but I did have a little trouble remembering who was who.
I likes this series of books.
Very interesting concept.
Very easy to see this happening if the SHTF happens
Very preachy
I can not recommend this book. The characters are shallow and unrealistics and surptisingly cruel and unconcerned about others. The bad guys are all stupid and easily foiled. The random violence is graphic and committed by everyone. Lots of descriptions of weapons and ammunition, repeated ad nauseam.
Different. A bit preachy, but informative. Will read next in series.
This book gives the reader some insight behind the Prepper Community while avoiding the over the top stereotypes. Presents a view of what could really happen in a long term world without power.
A lot like a manual that helps us when all the power is gone. Not much story for me,
A glimpse into the future
Predictable. Sorry. There was not very much stress in the book.
If you have come to prepping late in the game this is the book for you. A how to with a plot.
The men protect the women while they cook and clean, and take care of the kids. Welcome to the future? Disgusting
More like a journal than a story. I couldn’t make it past the first three chapters. I can’t relate to the beliefs and ideas of the main characters. They were poorly developed, if at all. Not worth my time and probably not yours.
Only read if you want to find out how to prep for the apocalypse. Otherwise, the story has no tension, and the characters are cardboard. Stay away. Glad it was free.
Too much profanity