Browsing: Science

This #1 New York Times bestseller and Oprah’s Book Club selection tells the remarkable true story of the Galvins, a mid-century American family with 10 sons — six of whom were diagnosed with schizophrenia. “A stunning, riveting chronicle” (Booklist) with nearly 30,000 five-star ratings on Goodreads.

Follow 10 familiar plants and animals through thousands of years of evolution in this fascinating glimpse into civilization, domestication, and our wild past. “Excellent” (The Guardian).

An international bestseller with over 10,300 five-star ratings on Goodreads: When naturalist Farley Mowat was assigned to live among wolves in the Arctic, he was surprised by his findings. This “fascinating” book (The New York Times) “opens new horizons in understanding animal nature and intelligence” (Newsday).

When a neuroscientist discovered similarities between serial killer brain patterns and his own, his research led to new conclusions about the nature of the mind. With nearly 400 five-star ratings on Goodreads, this exploration of psychopathy is “absorbing, insightful, and quirky” (Kirkus Reviews).

The Amazon is young Yara’s beloved home, and she’s determined to keep it safe — but when Yara falls ill, the rainforest must return the favor! This picture book features “a story with a good ecological message and vibrant paintings” (Kirkus Reviews).