Browsing: Science Fiction

This engaging tale follows one space crew’s mission to discover why the star systems near Earth, named the Hallowed Vasties, have fallen — even if it means risking their own lives.

Working for St. Mary’s Institute of Historical Research, Madeleine Maxwell travels across centuries to investigate the past. But while she’s looking for answers, someone is looking for her… A fun romp through time with over 8,000 five-star ratings on Goodreads!

Renegade superhuman Clevon is captured by Captain Voight and is given an ultimatum: go to prison for his crimes — or join her ship as one of her mercenaries… An action-packed space opera!

First in a series: Dreaming of going to space, Harmon and his friends enter the Top Fleet Marine competition so they can buy a ship and start a salvage company. But with the corrupt fleet doing everything to keep them down, it won’t be an easy fight to the top…