Author: taylorellwood

Do you want magical workings that get consistent results?In Magic by Design, I teach you how to create your own magical workings, instead relying on magick spell books that aren’t providing you the results you want.I’ll show you how simplify or enhance an existing magical spell to get better results.I’ll walk you through how to apply the principles of magical design to create your own unique … create your own unique workings that get consistent results.I’ll share multiple case studies where I show you how the principles of magical design were applied to create original magical workings that got results…

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Do you want to get consistent results with your magical practice?Of course you do…But you can’t get consistent results when you don’t understand how magic works. And there’s nothing more frustrating then doing a magical working and not getting the result you worked for…You’re left wondering what you did wrong, or trying to figure out why the magic didn’t work, even though you did everything … though you did everything in the magick spell book. In How to Troubleshoot Your Magic, I share my method for troubleshooting magical workings that aren’t getting the right results.And I show you how to fix…

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Discover how to harness your creative potential and turn your art into magic. In The Magic of Art, Taylor Ellwood shares how art can become a potent magical tool in your spiritual practice. You will learn how to combine sacred art with practical magic to get consistent results that transform your life. Best of all you don’t need to be a talented artist to use art magic. All you need to do is pick … pick up the paint brush, pencil, clay, etc., and start creating art that allows you to embody your magic and generate real results that change…

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