Author: sydryan

AmyOne by one, I’m dealing with the consequences of my addiction:1. Work the only crap job that will hire me.2. Finish this probation with the Board of Nursing.3. Attend this mandatory Christmas party to get my bonus.And above all, avoid unnecessary distractions.WesI can’t believe I got sent to this hicksville town for thirteen weeks. My job is to get this facility back up to excellence. Public … to get this facility back up to excellence. Public and employee morale are at an all time low. I’ve got a plan to bring it all together—host an epic holiday party.But, a stubborn…

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REGANHappiness.In the blink of an eye, It’s all gone.As an ER nurse, I’m prepared for anything,But not this,Not him,Lying there with no vitals,Barely hanging on.I can’t do this, Can’t face it.The only person who understands is Grayson,His best friend,But his arms aren’t meant for me.GRAYSONMy best friend.I would’ve done anything for him,No questions asked.And watching Regan crumble,I have to help, done anything for him,No questions asked.And watching Regan crumble,I have to help,Have to reach out.She’s always had my heart,Even when it was forbidden.But now, in our pain and loss,I know we both feel something stronger. Stronger was re-edited/published on 2-28-18.…

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