Author: shaystone

She thought I was handing her my heart. What I really gave her was a hand grenade set to blow her world apart. Ours wasn’t your typical love story. Ours involved lies. A lot of lies. So many that at some point, I lost track of which ones were mine and which were hers. Falling in love with her was never part of the plan, not that I had a choice in the matter. From the moment we met, she … met, she captivated me, making me forget who I was and why I was pulling this job in the…

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Colin Riley’s past wasn’t a pretty one. He’d worked hard to bury his demons. So when he crossed paths with Alexandra Vaughn, the daughter of the man that almost destroyed his life, he should have run. But he didn’t. Instead, like an idiot, he fell in love. Alex was smart, talented, beautiful, and one of the most infuriating women Colin had ever met. From the second he laid eyes on her, he knew … he’d do anything to make her his. Why else would he let her trick him into starring in some play?It was just supposed to be a…

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