Author: nicroberts

All is fair in Love and LighthousesWith a group of fantastic friends, a handsome detective on her arm and a love of everything sweet and sticky, things should have been looking up for Ally and her B&B. Especially with her best friend from London coming to stay. Surely a little bit of Lizzy in Westford Bay would brighten the place up.But the small coastal town is about to be hit again.A body … about to be hit again.A body is found behind a locked door in the lighthouse and suddenly mysterious conversations, strange guests and family secrets throw everyone on…

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Sticks and Bones and…Baker’s Stones? To most people, Ally Wescott has an idyllic life. Engaged to a French banker, a quaint apartment in Greater London, an array of amazing friends and a family friend whose bakery she gets to spend her free time in, polishing her passion for making sweet treats. What could possibly go wrong? She’s about to find out. A surprise letter, a wavering fiancé and the … letter, a wavering fiancé and the discovery of bones are about to shake her peaceful world to the core, and this time, a cup of tea and a slice of…

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