Author: mklansbury

She’s a young lawyer assigned a case that will make or break her career. He’s the hotshot attractive lawyer with a mysterious past defending her opposition. When romance hits, will these two competitors be able to keep things professional? Yasmin Diaz moved to the big city to make it as a lawyer, and has found early success in family law. After a senior lawyer leaves, she’s given the opportunity … opportunity of a lifetime and one that could allow her to make partner: defending a female entrepreneur in a high-profile divorce case. Holden Crain is the top divorce attorney in…

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She’s just joined her best friend’s dating app start-up. He’s the successful and charismatic founder of their major competitor. When they fall for each other, will the two rivals figure out how to keep their romance secret? A country girl at heart, Zara Rodriquez knows firsthand how brutal NYC’s dating scene can be. After her last boyfriend cheated her out of a job, she hopes working as the head … working as the head of marketing at her best friend’s matchmaking startup will provide a fresh beginning. She takes it as a good omen when a nighttime stroll on the…

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