Author: meredithmedina

My name is Maia Hickson, and fire seems to follow me everywhere I go. It took my parents, it took my foster home (good riddance), and now I was on my own again. No big deal, I like it better that way anyway. Nothing important ever seems to happen to me, but after twenty years on hiatus, my favourite punk band is finally releasing a new album. They’re not touring and I’ve got just enough cash to … to get me to New York. Seems like fate, right? With her best friend trying to come to terms with being a…

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Being a vampire isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Am I really supposed to just wait tables and sling beer to punk kids for the rest of eternity? I don’t think so. Considering it wasn’t my idea to end up immortal in the first place, this is definitely not the spoopy life I had planned for myself. I’m tired of being told what to do by people who don’t know what the hell they’re doing either and it’s … it’s obviously time that I took matters into my own hands. I need to get the hell out of this…

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Daughters of Hecate ~ Prequel Everyone has to start somewhere, unfortunately for me, my story starts in England, and a witchfinder has come to town. Usually when accusations of witchcraft fly around, the accused are just regular women, but sometimes they get it right… and this time we can’t run away. They’ve taken everything away from me, and now I’m all alone with nothing but my memories to … with nothing but my memories to keep me company, and my thirst for revenge to keep me warm. Witchmark is a prequel novella in the “Daughters of Hecate” series. Follow Ophelia Turner’s quest for…

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