Author: lisaswinton

One kiss is all they need to go from friends to lovers. Who will cross the line first?Maddie regrets putting Connor in the friendzone by kissing another man. Her chance at redemption comes when she’s hired as a makeup artist on a film in London, Connor’s city. All she needs to do is apologize, and coax him across the friendship line—if Connor still wants her.Connor should’ve moved on from Maddie … should’ve moved on from Maddie when she made it clear she wasn’t interested in a relationship with a stuffy British banker. With her arrival in London, Connor plans to…

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Her cowboy might just be another broken-heart ballad waiting to happen… another hit album soon, then her label will move on to the next big thing. Sara heads to a ranch in Wyoming to get back to her country roots and rediscover herself. To keep the press away, she hides her identity and is determined to let nothing distract her. Then she meets Cal: tall, brooding, and all cowboy. Sara falls for Cal and the quiet ranch life, but with each song she writes her time there draws to a close. Sara will have to choose between the country stars…

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Her amnesia brought them together. Her memories could tear them apart.Antonio does not believe in love at first sight until he sees her fall into a street in Milan and get hit by a motorcycle. Compelled to know if she can return his affection, he becomes Renatta’s hospital volunteer only to learn that the accident erased her memory. Together they must discover her past, present and future. In the … and future. In the way of happily ever after stand her opera career, tyrannical mother, and fiancé. Antonio must win Renatta’s heart before she bends to the will of her…

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