Author: lindseydavis

In the sacred grove of Julius Caesar, something deadly stirs in the undergrowth–a serial killer, who haunted the gardens for years, has claimed another victim–in Lindsey Davis’s next historical mystery, The Grove of the Caesars. At the feet of her adoptive father, renowned private informer Marcus Didius Falco, Flavia Albia learned a number of important rules. First and foremost–always keep … foremost–always keep one’s distance from the palace, nothing good comes from that direction. But right behind it–murder is the business of the Vigiles, best to leave them to it. Having broken the first rule more often than she’d like,…

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A suspicious death and subsequent murder send Flavia Albia down a twisted path to expose corruption and betrayal in Lindsey Davis’s next historical mystery, Pandora’s Boy. First century Rome is not the quiet, orderly city that it pretends to be and in this environment, a very clever private informer can thrive. Flavia Albia, daughter of Marcus Didius Falco, is a chip off the old block. She’s … the old block. She’s taken over his father’s old profession, and, like him, she occasionally lets her love of a good puzzle get in the way of her common sense. Such is the…

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