Author: lilybaldwin

The world sees Lady Elora Brodie as a rigid, controlling noblewoman, but inside her beats a passionate and rebellious heart. Determined to protect her independence, she will do anything to avoid marriage to her insistent neighbor—and every other man for that matter. She will even venture beyond the comforts of home to traverse the disreputable shipyards of Inverness in search of a man reckless … enough to set her plan in motion, a plan she hopes will ensure that she never need utter the words “to honor and obey.” To all the world, Nathan Campbell is fearless, strong, irresistibly sexy…

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Shoney masquerades as a fearsome witch to hide her true identity from the people of her Scottish isle. But strapping Ronan, a clan leader’s son, can’t stay away from her… A heart-pounding Highland romance!

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