Author: kerdukeyanddhsidebottom

From the bestselling title ‘TAKING AVERY ’ comes ‘FINDING RHIANNON.’When you live your life for Brotherhood, the betrayal of your flesh and blood brother is even more devastating. While the fate of the Lilith’s Army princesses relies on that of a traitor, emotions are triggered, and secrets kept locked away spill free, adding fuel to an already raging fire. No one is safe with enemies hiding in … enemies hiding in every dark corner, waiting to pounce. Who will survive the chaos as everything comes to a head? Leaving a trail of broken hearts, blood, and carnage its wake.more

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An exhilarating new series new series from International best-selling authors. “Heart-pounding and gritty, grabbed me from word one and I couldn’t (wouldn’t) look away until I was done.” -PBookHavenBookBlog“Right from the first page, I was literally glued to this book.” – Bookaholics Reading Haven“From the first chapter to the last, my kindle was glued to my hands. Wow. ” – CrazyDaisy BloggerWhen … ” – CrazyDaisy BloggerWhen a reckless act upsets the balance between two MC clubs, everyone is fair game in the war that erupts. Avery belongs to Lilith’s Army now, after being taken against her will, but she…

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This is a DARK novel, 18 only. Standalone title. I watch you, I see you in ways no one else can, and through my lens I create a life of you for someone to dissect. I capture you in your vulnerability; that smile, your laugh, those tears. I document you and sell your secrets. When I watch you through my lens you’re mine until I pass you to the buyer. I, like most people, have a fetish for … people, have a fetish for pretty things and in my job I get to be around a lot of pretty things.…

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