Author: kelseyking

All Taylor wants to do is make it home before the record-breaking storm blows through town. But when she sees a truck broken down on the side of the road, she goes against her better judgment and stops. Only after she’s committed to helping does she realize it’s the customer from the grocery store who was rude to her. Though she wants to leave him and his bad attitude to freeze, she’s too … too compassionate and offers him a ride home. Unfortunately for her, the snow is falling quicker and harder than she anticipated, forcing her to be stranded…

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As an editor for a top publishing company, I work with dozens of authors and polishing their manuscripts. It’s what I live for, and I don’t hold back my critiques for anyone. I’ll push them to do better and push myself at the same time. I strive for only the best. So when I get assigned to edit none other than Liam Daniels’ next international sensation, I jump at the opportunity and give it my … give it my all. His next book is all the rave but is filled with actual secrets of his life. I start to crave…

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Branson Carter almost has it all—a successful business, money, and power. The only thing missing in his life is love, which he’s successfully avoided. The day Riley Harper walks into his office, he instantly knows she’s trouble. His gut tells him he should fire her on the spot, but he goes against his better judgement. She has a smart mouth and an unapologetic attitude, which should turn him off, … turn him off, but it does the exact opposite.The attraction is undeniable and being together is inevitable. Not to mention Branson Carter always gets what he wants—even if she is…

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I’ve known Levi Brandon for most of my life. Not only is he my neighbor and a friend of the family, but he’s my best friend’s dad. Vayda and I have had sleepovers, barbecues, and birthday parties since we were little kids. I can’t remember a time in my life that the Brandon’s weren’t around. But then I started to get older and noticing Mr. B in a way I wasn’t supposed to be. He’s mature, … mature, charming, and ridiculously sexy. Some might say it’s just a schoolgirl crush, and I’m too young to understand those types of adult…

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Single is my middle name. I’m married to my job, am secluded in the mountains with my dog and content with how my life is—except for the fact my mother is terminally ill. And her only dying wish is for me to get married.I want to make her happy, so I make a promise to myself to find someone.Since I live away from civilization, the only solution I’ve found is to order a bride. If it works out, Mom … If it works out, Mom will get her way, and I’ll finally get a companion who doesn’t beg me for…

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After losing my wife in a tragic incident, I pack up and move my kids and I to the mountains to protect my family and my heart. Adjusting from the city life was fairly easy, except as time passes I know I can’t give my kids everything they need. But I’m too proud to admit it. Even when a nanny arrives and offers her expertise and time, I push her away, but my sister isn’t having it. Now … having it. Now the nanny with long, slender legs and big, bright eyes is moving in, and I know opening up…

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When Tate Williams walks into the café I work at, I’m instantly smitten by his charm and good looks. Dark hair, full beard, and smoldering green eyes are impossible to ignore in this small town. To make things awkward, I drop an entire tray of dishes in front of him and instead of watching me stumble to pick up the pieces, he comes to my side and immediately helps. That’s all it takes for us to … for us to form a connection and now I’ll find any excuse to see him again. After bumping into each other at a…

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