Author: kellezriley

Is she hitting her stride? Or going nowhere fast?Fresh from a successful undercover operation, scientist/spy-in-training Bree Watson should feel on top of the world. Instead, the ground is shifting under her feet. When her handler abandons her to follow a lead with his sexy ex-partner, Bree must choose between a normal life, or proving her worth as a spy. Not an easy choice, when she factors in:… factors in:•A police detective’s amorous intentions•Her handler’s mixed signals•A teaching post at a university filled with intrigue •A dead administrator with a sordid past•A timid tiger and her tenacious trainer—both being framed for…

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Bree Watson traded her lab coat for a trench coat, expecting the life of a spy to be fun. But when a body turns up on her undercover mission, she’s forced to handle: •A murdered woman with more enemies than meets the eye•A hunky handler posing as her fake boyfriend •A sexy detective bent on wooing her – and wooing her away from espionage•A drop-out drug dog with a nose for trouble•Her cranky cat, … trouble•Her cranky cat, curious coworkers, a cupcake challenge she can’t resist, and too many secrets, lies and cover identities to keep straight…In the whirlwind of…

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Science is about solving puzzles. Why should solving a murder be any different?Dr. Bree Watson (aka Gabriella Catherine Mayfield-Watson) is comfortable solving chemistry problems. She isn’t comfortable finding her boss dead and being a suspect in his poisoning. Now she’s juggling: •A sexy marketing manager—who may, or may not—be a contract killer. •A handsome lead detective whose interest goes … interest goes beyond the case. •The dead man’s cranky cat. •A goose-chasing dog in hot water with an animal rights group. •The search for the perfect cupcake recipe. •And, of course, someone who wants her out of the picture.And she…

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