Author: karaliane

Some flames never die…Weston is Olivia’s high school crush, and she’s spent sixteen years pining for a guy who she thought would never return her affections.Olivia was the one girl who Weston tamped down his feelings for. He pushed her away, believing he wasn’t worthy of her attention.When they meet again under harrowing circumstances, Weston saves her. The embers are stoked back to life. Their … are stoked back to life. Their passion is ignited and the fire finally burns bright. But will it all go up in smoke? Because She just may need to rescue him right back.more

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Caleb is enamored with cougars, and his best friend’s employee is no exception. Liz is a recent widow who has closed herself off to possibilities. However, Caleb senses her needs mirror his own, so he’s desperate to help her unlock all that she’s holding back. The intensity Caleb has for the raving beauty is overwhelming, and she’s afraid she can’t fulfill him. Misunderstandings, apprehensions, … Misunderstandings, apprehensions, and a checkered past hover around them, whereby threatening their future. But, Caleb won’t give up so easily on making Liz his, and she just may find her true self along the way.more

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