Author: jsellis

She’s dead. Why would she lie? Days before her murder, Anthony’s friend, Lottie, lent him her laptop. Curiosity getting the best of him, he clicks on a file and finds videos recorded by her in the year leading up to her death. Within those recordings, she exposes dark secrets someone will kill to keep hidden, and Lottie’s toxic relationship with Anthony’s long-time friend, Davian.  When … long-time friend, Davian.  When Anthony’s childhood friend, Davian is placed under arrest for the murder, Anthony refuses to believe he could do such a thing but Lottie was infatuated by Davian. More damning evidence piles…

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Evie always watched her older sister Jenny from afar. Jenny can’t do wrong, she’s the apple of their mother’s eye. She’s tall, blonde and a model. Evie is the total opposite of Jenny she has dark hair, short and sells jewellery. It’s a regular Sunday afternoon only it isn’t so regular not when Jenny was about to bring her new boyfriend home. Evie is curious. Two sisters who couldn’t be different … different or are they?more

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One night. One man. One mystery. While she seems to have it all, Sophie Knight is looking for more. When gorgeous and carefree Michael Frisk walks into her life, he offers the excitement and passion she desires.Sophie is willing to risk everything she has. After all, she is used to concealing things from her husband—like her alcoholism, her unhappiness. But soon she has more to hide. She wakes up … hide. She wakes up one morning in an alcoholic haze and finds bruises on her body, but has no recollection of what happened to her. Was she raped?When unsettling notes and…

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