Author: jetaylor

Myths. Magic. And a prophecy realized.Lisa Winters is supposed to save the small town of Opal from destruction with magic she does not possess. The white tiger has awoken, and he wants revenge on the people who betrayed him, as well as the sorceress who bound him in frost. Lisa was not that witch. And yet, everyone believes she is the fated one. The one who will finally end the white tiger’s … white tiger’s reign of terror.Even her mentor, Herk, thinks so.Lisa doesn’t want to let anyone down, but she can barely start a fire with a match and…

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Lucifer’s daughter risesFaith Kennedy’s quiet life off the grid ends when her mother dies of cancer. Before her mother succumbs to the disease, she tells Faith who her father is.The revelation terrifies Faith more than the thought of the state foster care system.When Tom and Bridget Ryan step into the state home for girls, the course of Faith’s life changes yet again. With a new, less frightening … changes yet again. With a new, less frightening future offered, Faith jumps at the chance to live in the light despite her newly found talents.However, word that the devil’s daughter lives brings…

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Alessandra and Hunter have a price on their heads. Can they escape their fate, or will the sins of the past lead them to their death?In the eyes of the werewolf council, Alessandra Tate and Hunter Blaez committed the ultimate sin. Humans were killed at the hands of a werewolf, and the price for taking a human life is death.After being on the run for three months, Alessandra’s nightmares are still … nightmares are still plagued with the acts of that evening. Never again will she trust a man to get close enough to betray her, even Hunter Blaez, her…

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