Author: jessicalevine

When Anna, now living in California, is contacted by the Italian lover she knew decades before, she recalls their affair and the child she gave up for adoption. As the episode returns to haunt her—threatening the life she’s built, including her marriage—the story moves back in time to her youth in Europe. Rome, 1979. Anna, twenty-two and living abroad, is involved with a man already engaged to … engaged to be married. When she meets and befriends his fiancée, she is forced to confront the moral consequences of her actions. But an unexpected pregnancy, an anonymous letter, and threatening relatives…

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Julia, an aspiring poet, is living with her British boyfriend, Ben, a restrained Princeton professor, when she runs into Michael, a long-lost friend. A complex and compelling composer, Michael was once a catalyzing muse for her-but his return to her life is a destabilizing influence. Julia is drawn to Michael, but feels enormous guilt at the thought of betraying Ben-not to mention fear at the … idea of giving up the security of her relationship with him. So, when Michael signals that he’s too wounded to make a commitment, she turns her triangular situation into a square: she sets him…

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