Author: ivolokita

If you are able to write 180 pages of your memoir without putting the pen down, I might let you live… punishment he used to give Jews at the concentration camp. This punishment makes him remember and re-live his cruelty as the concentration camp commander and as a man. Deus Esperanca learns from his mother that what he believed to be his family’s history, was just a bunch of lies. He discovers that his real father is Klaus Holland – the sadistic Nazi fugitive. Having this information and his father being aware of what he knows, their lives intertwine and…

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“Even if a dog goes mad, it will always be a dog.”So said a small white sign hung on a wall in Birmingham Mental Institution Ward number 3. It had a black frame, written in a hand they were all well acquainted with. The letters had faded over time. In the end, among all the calligraphy in the frame, one could detect a blurred signature. It was mine. John Wilcox is a young idler who loathes … is a young idler who loathes people except for young women. His destiny brought him near Birmingham Mental Institution during an earthquake. At…

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