Author: henrydavidthoreau

WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY BENJAMIN MARKOVITS In 1845 Thoreau, a Harvard-educated 28-year-old, went to live by himself in the woods in Massachusetts. He stayed for over two years, living self-sufficiently in a small cabin built with his own hands. Walden is his personal account of the experience, in which he documents the beauty and fulfilment to be found in the wilderness, and his philosophical and … philosophical and political motivations for rejecting the materialism which continues to define our modern world.more

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Thoreau advocates for nonviolent protest in his classic manifesto Motivated by his disgust with the US government, Henry David Thoreau s seminal philosophical essay enjoins individuals to stand against the ruling forces that seek to erase their free will. It is the duty of a good citizen, he argues, not only to disobey a bad law, but also to protest an unjust government. His message of … nonviolence and appeal to value one s own conscience over political legislation have resonated throughout American and world history. Peppered with the author s poetry and social commentary, “Civil Disobedience”has become a manifesto…

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