Author: heatherkindt

When teenage Meg discovers a flyer for the Rosenbaum Mansion’s game, it should be her ticket to freedom: All she has to do is retrieve a mysterious object and collect the prize money. But soon, she finds herself faced with portals to other worlds — and caught in unexpected danger… First in a page-turning series!

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Most writers choose the endings to their stories . . . most writers are not Weavers.Laney Holden is a freshman at Madison College whose life goes from normal to paranormal in a matter of seconds. When the antagonist in the book she’s writing shoves her down the stairs at the subway station, she learns she is a Weaver. Weavers bridge the narrow gap between fantasy and reality, bringing their words … bringing their words to life.Laney soon meets William whom she also suspects is a character from her book—one she’s had a mad crush on since her pen hit the…

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