Author: gracebrennan

Olivia Foreman’s memories are haunting her, and she can’t get away. Desperate to find peace, she and her friends move to a small, isolated town, hoping the wide-open spaces will help them heal. All she wants is to find her center again, but just as it comes within reach, she meets a man who wrecks her calm with one slow smile.Cody Aaron is content with his laidback existence in his tiny hometown, … tiny hometown, but one look at their newest resident is all it takes to know his life will never be the same. The shadows and pain in…

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The mafia. Severed body parts. Fearing for her life. Those are just a few of the things Katia Evans never thought she’d see in her ordinary, boring life, but suddenly they’re her new reality. And now there’s a sexy cowboy sweeping her off her feet and riding her off into the sunset—well, he’s whisking her away to safety, but since her life is turning into a movie, she’s saving her sanity by … pretending it’s a romance rather than horror. Her fantasy is much better than reality, after all.Colton Alexander dropped out of Enforcer training years ago, vowing to never…

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Georgie Callahan honed her instincts about people over the years, but she ignored them when she met the Snake Eyes MC, and ended up in trouble. She ran from them, but they’ve finally caught up to her. Then someone from her past shows up—someone she shouldn’t trust, because she knows his secret, but when he offers to keep her safe, she can’t turn him down.Dmitri Costas has known Georgie was his … was his mate since the moment he met her, but there’s always been something preventing him from stepping up to claim her. On one of his trips to…

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Holly White found happiness once. It was brief and over too soon, but she had it. Now she’s content—she has her routine, her teaching, and her students. That’s all she can hope for, and she’s made her peace with that. When she requests a meeting with her student’s father, the last thing she expects is the sparks that arch between them. But attraction or not, she can’t go there with him. Not only … only is he her student’s father, but she’s not willing to risk her heart again. Ever.Ian Gallagher walked into his daughter’s classroom intent on giving her…

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