Author: goldenczermak

The Bear Kingdoms of Louisiana are on the brink of war, sparked by the sudden appearance of a mysterious amulet in the swamplands. Adding to the problems, troops from a demon army called the Noctis begin laying waste to the bayou.Back in Georgia, Cooper Bennett’s not so secret life is quickly becoming a mess. The Alpha Power within him is taking a toll while the two loves of his life – Alyssa … Alyssa Noble and Billy Arnett – are dealing with drastic changes of their own.As the southern conflict spreads, threatening to engulf shifter and human communities alike, fate…

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He’s bitter. He’s angry. He’s an arrogant prick.Cade Palmer knew of little more than himself since the injury that tore him away from the field, and he grew to like it. However, there was one woman who managed to chip away at his impenetrable walls just by her presence.She’s beautiful. She’s feisty. She’s independent. Nadia Shaw wasn’t one to take crap from others, except from the sportsman … the sportsman turned model whose penetrating stare managed to leave an indelible mark on her heart and soul.There was no doubt the two shared an indisputable attraction, resisting rather than embracing each…

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Jesse, the wealthy inventor of a revolutionary steam engine, falls in love with a poor factory worker named Jenny — but the world wants to keep them apart… A fast-paced steampunk adventure!

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