Author: geoffhabigerandcoykissee

Saul Imbierowicz had led a very unremarkable life until he was murdered by Al Capone and was then reborn as a vampire. Now Saul works for Eliot Ness, trying to take down Chicago’s most dangerous gangster. But only Saul, Ness, and Saul’s new partner, Agent Christian Wright, know the true danger that Capone represents.As a vampire, Saul is stronger, faster, and his wounds heal rapidly, but he is … also exhausted, constantly fatigued, and has a million questions about his new “life”. An offer from Al Capone to answer these questions comes with a price that Saul is unwilling to…

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In 1920s Chicago, postal employee Saul Imbierowicz is unwittingly swept up in a city-wide conflict between rival gangs, federal agents, and supernatural forces beyond his control. After striking out on his own from his overbearing Jewish family, Saul quickly becomes involved with the seductive and mysterious Moira. He soon becomes mixed up in the events of the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, … Massacre, witnessing the shooting and fleeing from the scene after Moira takes a bullet and is presumed dead. However, Moira is far from dead, and due to her influence Saul finds himself increasingly entangled in the rival factions…

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The brutal murder of Laval? fey Avecath, the King’s First Magistrate and advisor, interrupts Constable Inspector Reva Lunaria’s day off. The victim’s status makes this a high-profile investigation, bringing with it unwanted attention from Senior Inquisitor Ailan Malvace? of the Sucra, the King’s secret police. The manner of the victim’s death makes this case even more intriguing. A body cut … perfectly in half – from top to bottom – is a rare occurrence, even in a city filled with all manner of magic weapons. All of this would be challenging enough, but Inspector Lunaria must also deal with a…

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