Author: francespaul

A trained killer. One kill list. A world of hurt.In this novel author Frances Paul introduces a complex and driven young lady determined to uncover the truth surrounding the murders of her parents and to bring to justice the people responsible for the cruel act. Karina Navarre, a Cuban national lived a life that would be described as anything but easy. After witnessing the brutal murder of her … brutal murder of her parents, Karina’s life spiraled out of control—until a former KGB officer agreed to take her under his wing and train her. Eight years later the girl who…

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I lost everything. My job. My family. My life…my sanity. How does a man come back from that? How do you right so many wrongs when the choices you’ve made caused those around you so much pain? My determination to prove I was strong enough and that my mind and spirit was unbreakable, tore my family apart. By refusing to accept the help I so desperately needed, I caused irreparable damage to the … irreparable damage to the people I loved the most.After everything I’ve done I didn’t think life would give me a second chance. But then I met…

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