Author: emmajaynemills

-Some Myths Are Prophecy-A single raven, born of wolves,the time to reign for her has come.Her faith is strong,her heart is true.Raven Queen we call to you.Three thousand years ago The Raven Queen, alongside her Fae and Vampire sisters were prophesised to bring peace to the paranormal races. They failed!The vampires enslaved the witches they didn’t burn, the shifters went into hiding and the Fae … didn’t burn, the shifters went into hiding and the Fae closed off their realm forever. The war still rages, but a new Raven Queen has been born and a new prophecy has come to…

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Frost Ford has secrets… None bigger than the identity of the brutal killer who terrorises the streets of the creepy English town. His sights are set on his ultimate prize. She escaped him once before, forcing him to ground. This time, she won’t be so lucky. Educating Callie Have you ever felt fear? Not that bump in the night fear, when your stomach jumps into your throat for a few seconds. I’m … your throat for a few seconds. I’m talking about real fear. The kind that chills you to the bone, ties your insides in knots, and leaves you…

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