Author: emlindsey

Born and raised in Cherry Creek, Edmund Fitzgerald was the sort of man who tried to find the good in all things. As a natural leader, Fitz reclaimed his trauma after half his body burned in a fire and worked his way up to Fire Chief at the local department. He had a good home, and good friends, even if his romantic life left something to be desired. In spite of his bad luck in love, he managed … managed to keep a cheerful smile on for everyone. At least, until Antoine Tremblay crashed into town. Literally. As the older…

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Dr. Elliot Bethel isn’t an easy man to love. He’s not even an easy man to like. He does good work in Fairfield, even if he’s no one’s favorite veterinarian, but he doesn’t need to be popular to be effective. Elliot made his way into his career after a roadside bomb during his deployment changed the trajectory of his life, and though he returned Stateside with one less limb, that didn’t change his … his firm belief—animals are better than people. Growing up a system kid with foster parents who tried their best, Elliot was determined to never let anyone…

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Colton Davidson knew what his life was supposed to be like. Sports after school, Church on Sundays, meet a nice girl someday, get married, have children. He knew that his attraction to the other boys was nothing more than God testing him. He knew that if he just kept to his faith, he’d overcome the temptation of sin. If only he were stronger… him, Colton knew his only chance for survival was to run. He didn’t know where the streets would take him, and he certainly didn’t think he’d end up at a place like Ted House, where boys like…

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Missing his dominant hand and half his face covered in scars, Miguel Ruiz can kiss his dreams of a happy future goodbye. He resigns himself to a life of servitude in a badly run club until one day, a tattoo artist in a random bar sees both talent and a future in the scarred artist. He makes an offer Miguel would be a fool to turn down, and Miguel decides it’s finally time to start living for … himself, even with the ten tons of baggage he’s carrying on his shoulders.If anyone in the world can understand secrets, it’s Amit…

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Having grown up the son of a Southern Baptist preacher, James Gossett was expected to be one thing, and one thing only—a God-fearing, straight, Christian man. It didn’t help that from a young age, James knew he was different. He hid the truth about who he was from himself, and from his family, until a freak accident during a routine simulation right after basic training cost him both legs, and … nearly his life. Knowing what he almost lost, James decided to come out—and with that, lost the rest of the blood kin he had left alive. Settling in Fairfield,…

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When single father Soren spots a man caught in a snowstorm, he can’t help but pull over and offer his help. Fallen from grace and out of options, Kane takes a leap of faith trusting the kind stranger — and discovers another chance for love.

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Traumatized by a complicated childhood and losing the love of his life, Sage Osbourne pours everything he’s got into keeping his routine, and trying to avoid the not-dates he keeps getting set up on, content to be single and determined to keep it that way. He attempts to maintain that decision when a gorgeous newcomer opens up a new café just doors down from the tattoo shop. It doesn’t help that … that Will is not only perfect for him, but seems to be interested in taking their relationship further than just friends.Prior to opening up Masala, Will Rahman’s life…

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