Author: editaapetrick

When hiding in plain sight is no longer possible…. Kate McFarland was born into a crumbling regime of Soviet Russia. She didn’t have much as a child, but she had two parents who cared and protected her, and that was enough. Then Fate raked its rusty nail across a blackboard and her mother became a widow. For what seemed like eternity, life looked bleak. But then her mother met a man who was not … her mother met a man who was not only decent and kind but rich. It’s how Kate finished growing up in the US. It’s how her…

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She dies…and only then are her beliefs put to the test…. He is an assassin with a perfect record. The CIA had barely idea he existed. The FBI had no idea. It’s how was he able to do his job in the US…and not get caught.It cost a brilliant young scientist her life. To catch the nearly-myth assassin, the two security agencies are forced into an uneasy cooperation.   Ted Bester and Rick Brannigan, … uneasy cooperation.   Ted Bester and Rick Brannigan, their respective agents, start asking questions about who is this shadowy individual. But what they should be asking is what is…

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