Author: dnicholeking

They say time heals all wounds. What a load of bull. It’s been four years, and Kate’s voice still echoes in my mind. Every. Damn. Day. I numb her memory when it taunts me. In college, I drown her out with booze and easy lays. I can’t do what she asked. I can’t let her go. Not even when Lia shows up, freaking ripping what’s left of me to shreds. Caring about someone isn’t worth the … to shreds. Caring about someone isn’t worth the deadness that follows after they’re gone. I didn’t ask for this. Didn’t ask for her.…

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Dear Diary, Leukemia’s been my life since I was eleven. Now, six years later, I want my life back. Only I’m not sure what that is. The test results came back today. 22,000. Which means I’m officially out of remission—again. I have three options: 1) Another round of chemo. 2) A super-new experimental drug. 3) Dump it all— forget the meds and treatments and enjoy the time I have left. I think I … have left. I think I know what I want. Then, in walks Damian, changing everything. I mean, everything… He’s got his own set of issues. It…

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