Author: dianescottlewis

In 1780, Loyalist Rowena Marsh insists on spying for the British during the American Revolution. As a girl, she must dress as a boy, plus endure devastation and murder as she decodes messages for a mysterious Welshman. The tide has turned in the rebels’ favor. General George Washington appears to be winning. The loyalists are bombarded by threats and lost battles. Rowena stays determined to aid … determined to aid the British cause and preserve her family as they’re chased from their Pennsylvania home.She struggles with possible defeat and permanent exile, plus her growing love for the Welshman who may…

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Tamara Ledbetter, dumped by her arrogant husband, travels to Cornwall, England, to research her ancestors. A trip first planned with her soon-to-be ex. While in a neglected cemetery, she scrapes two fallen headstones together to read what’s beneath, faints, and awakes in 1789. Certain she’s caught in a reenactment, she fast discovers she’s in the year of the French Revolution, grain riots in … England, miners out of work, and she’s mistrusted by the young farmer, Colum Polwhele, who’s come to her aid.Can a sassy San Francisco gal survive in this primitive time where women have few rights? Could she…

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