Author: crriley

Football is my first love, it takes priority over everything. Men want to be me. Little boys want to be just like me. Women … well, they just want me. But all the fame just isn’t enough anymore, something is missing.Then, Tabitha appears one night and knocks me off balance.There are two problems. She doesn’t react to my charms, which makes me want her even more. Oh, and she’s my brother’s ex. … my brother’s ex. Yeah, that could be a big problem. My four brothers and I decided on a set of rules.1. No one picks on Ava, our…

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I kept my distance until she was older. Waited until she turned eighteen at least before doing something unexpected. Knew that she needed time to mature so she would be ready for the life we’d have together. We both needed to really, at twenty-three I wasn’t sure I was ready for the life I was certain we’d have. Therefore, I swore to do my best to give her that time, but even then, I couldn’t … couldn’t stay away, not really. I sincerely hope all this waiting will be worth it, that eventually, we’ll get what I’ve always dreamed of.…

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It is a long-standing tradition that a Royal marries the person who was been chosen for them by those that believed they know best. Which would have probably been the case for King Antonio, if he hadn’t become King before he had the chance to do just that. While he was determined to not wed out of obligation, like those before him had done. He planned to marry for love instead. It had been his … been his intention long before he found himself as King, he had expected to have at least five more years to win that argument…

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