Author: christawickandtessawood

Laney: It all started with a blind date. For him, at least. Me? I didn’t even know I was on a date with the guy. Because I wasn’t. Long story. Right place, right time, unsuspecting new PR client and meddlesome matchmaking friends. Talk about an awkward first impression–with me being the awkward one. I regrouped though, gotta give me that. And now all I have to do this holiday season is not fall … not fall for the gruff, gritty, secret do-gooder with a surprisingly sweet side (buried a mile or so under a grinchy, ridiculously hot exterior). Yep, easy…

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I’ve got a giant secret no one knows about. Well, two secrets, if you count my spending the last decade stuck hopelessly in love with my brother’s best friend, a man who’s spent most of his life seeing what comes of a not-happily-ever-after ending between two people.Interestingly, the fact that my heart is stubbornly holding onto this ill-advised crush is actually related to my other secret. It’s … secret. It’s sort of an occupational hazard, really, when you’re the pseudonymous author behind a popular series of wildly romantic books that are all fantastically dirty.Seriously, if this gets out, it won’t…

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