Author: chantalmer

For the last decade, successful restaurant owner and chef, Ash Ariti, has worked to make amends for the career-ending mistake he made when he was young and allowed anger to consume him. Driven to be worthy of the second chance he’s been afforded, Ash built a life centered around giving back to his community, all while maintaining a low profile. When he finds himself thrust into the spotlight of a … of a bachelor auction to help one of his favorite causes, he never expects to come face-to-face with the sexy man whose career he destroyed. Isaiah Blake has spent…

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When her father is found in a coma after suffering a heart attack, Philadelphia divorce attorney, Julia Hughes-Humphries, returns to Friendship, the small western Pennsylvania hometown she’s avoided for five years. A literal run-in at the hospital reunites her with the man she’s vowed to steer clear of, her childhood best friend, Thad Tanner. The same best friend who dumped her and their … friendship five years earlier. Newly divorced Thad has devoted all of his time to building his security consultation business and creating a stable life for his son, Max. When he bumps into Julia—the woman who had his…

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