Author: ccwarrens

Ten months ago, he nearly killed her. By the grace of God, she survived. But the fight to regain her life is just beginning. Holly Cross is counting down the hours to the moment her foster brother’s trial begins. Collin has haunted her footsteps—and her dreams—for fifteen years, and she wants nothing more than to put that pain and fear behind her and build a new life. But before that can … behind her and build a new life. But before that can happen, she has to confront the man who tried to destroy her.Can she find the courage to…

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He’ll get what he came for, no matter how many bodies he has to step over.Collin Wells is relentless and ruthless, and he’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants: his foster sister, the girl who always manages to slip through his fingers.Holly’s foster brother has haunted her footsteps for years—taunting her, toying with her—and until recently, she never dared to stop running and build a life for … never dared to stop running and build a life for herself. Now, everyone she loves is in danger. How can she protect the people she loves when her foster brother comes…

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His final words are scrawled across a note that’s been pinned to his remains—I should have tried harder—and what seems to be a random act of violence becomes something much darker when a second victim is attacked, and a message is pinned to his body.note: Injustice for All is a spin-off from the Holly Novels, but it can be read as a standalone book. If you’re wondering where this book falls in … falls in relation to the Holly Novels, here’s the timeline: Criss Cross, Winter Memorial, Cross Fire, Crossed Off, Injustice for All.more

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He will tear her life apart one piece at a time, reveling in every flicker of fear in her eyes. He’s grown bored with the games, and he’ll get what he came for no matter how many bodies he has to step over. How will Holly protect the people she loves when her foster brother comes to collect?

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When Holly’s worst nightmare steps back into her life, she has to decide whether to stand and fight or flee and survive. As the threads of her life begin to unravel around her, leaving her displaced from her home, terrified, and caught in the middle of a drug battle, she can’t help but wonder if she made the wrong choice.

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Safety is just an illusion…An illusion shattered by the whisper of footsteps in the darkness behind her.Holly has drifted from one place to the next for as long as she can remember, never settling long enough to build a life. It’s the only way she knows how to survive in a world that has no place for someone like her. But when mysterious footsteps follow her home, and she finds a cryptic note … footsteps follow her home, and she finds a cryptic note taped to her door, she realizes she’s stayed too long.The man she’s hiding from has found…

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