Author: cassidylondon

Tristano RicciA delayed flight but not a delayed reaction. Protocol be damned, this time I wasn’t going to let her go. Adriana Acosta had haunted my dreams for far too long. Forget the rules, ignore the risk. This time it would be my way.It went against everything I had been trained to do. But none of that mattered anymore. This was my chance to make it right.She had always been mine, she just … been mine, she just didn’t know it yet. Adriana AcostaForty-eight hours in Tokyo. The man who stood me up ten years earlier. Tristano Ricci. His name…

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A huge monster of a man, a green eyed bearded giant. An alpha amongst men. Ex-military Irish paratrooper CONOR MURPHY, is the kind of man to stay away from. A hardened, rugged exterior hides demons that are too big to tame. Demons that can only be kept at bay by the adrenaline rush of the free fall. When he finds himself having to jump tandem with a tantalizing little spitfire, staying … staying professional all of a sudden becomes the one reserve he didn’t pack. A post-grad summer of European fun, is what free spirited AVA JACKSON is hoping will…

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Toronto good girl Lexi Reynolds, has always followed the rules and put the desires of those she loves above her own. As it turns out…it was all for nothing. Ulterior motives are a bitch.A new city and a fresh start is just what Lexi needs. What she doesn’t need though, is a man. Lexi’s determined to find her own path this time, without the help of a man by her side or in her bed.Women are a … or in her bed.Women are a means to an end for Jean-Marc Dubois. He spends his time on the run from responsibility…

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