Author: bellajacobs

Once upon a time there was a very good girl, who followed all the rules.That girl is dead.I am no longer Wren Frame, the bird with the broken wing. I am Wren Wander, a rare shapeshifter determined to take back everything the cult stole from me-my health, my hope, and most importantly, my family.My sister is still out there somewhere. Alive.And with the help of the four brave, formidable, … the help of the four brave, formidable, sexy-as-hell alphas destined to be my mates, I intend to keep her that way.All I have to do is gain control of my…

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One woman on the run. Four dangerously sexy bodyguards. And a war brewing that will change the shifter world forever…I’m living on borrowed time, fighting for survival against a deadly new virus that has no cure and a cult doing its best to brainwash me. But when a mysterious note shows up on my windowsill one night, its chilling message–Run, Wren–launches me out of the frying pan and into … frying pan and into the fire.Within hours, everything I thought I knew about my life, my family, and my origins is obliterated, and I’m racking up enemies at an alarming…

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