Author: atlasrose

King Vavilion wanted to use me. King Kamoril wanted to own me. But that was nothing compared to the lies my Hexers kept from me. Lies that changed my world. My heart might be breaking, but I now have hope. I am not alone. I’m one of three. Three sisters, descendants of the most dangerous Witch who ever lived. Three with Black Viper blood in our veins and power in our minds. Only I … lived. Three with Black Viper blood in our veins and power in our minds. Only I can’t live without my three Hexers, I can’t survive…

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The power of my Hexer’s stays with me… It’s what I hold onto when evil descends and chilling darkness comes. Hate rules our world. Hiding behind the face of a King. And now he’s come for me. He wants answers I don’t have. Answers that lie in the whispers of the past. Only three Hexers stand in his way…and they’ll do it for love.

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“You invade my dreams,” the Hexer growled, the blade under my chin forced my gaze to his. “And crawl under my skin. You make it impossible to have any kind of life, unless it’s a life chasing you.” Three Hexers hunt the most dangerous creatures on earth…now they’re coming for me. Paid by a cruel King to track me down, they’ll stop at nothing to take my powers…my purpose…and my will. But I have a … at nothing to take my powers…my purpose…and my will. But I have a destiny. One hidden from me for my entire life. My future…

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She’ll be the truth they fear.The name at the front says Katalyst Academy. But I know that’s a lie. I call it what it is. My prison. My cell. My end. They brought me here in handcuffs, dressed me in a stranger’s clothes and pretended to care. But the food they give me is poison, and the other girls are not my friends. They corner me, they hurt me…they bully. Until one day in the training yard … me…they bully. Until one day in the training yard someone comes to my defense. Orphic.I’ve heard his name whispered…along with three others…

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