Author: annacatherinefield

It’s hard to enjoy Christmas with a broken heart.Or at least that’s how Trevor Salvatore feels. Distracted by losing the girl of his dreams to another guy, Trevor realizes that he forgot to complete a mandatory service project he needs for graduation. He has until the new year to get the hours in, which is how he ends up volunteering at the Christmas Village in Ocean Grove.Sabrina would rather be … Village in Ocean Grove.Sabrina would rather be shopping. Or planning her annual Secret Santa. Or almost anything other than hanging out with the locals in Ocean Grove. Unfortunately, she’s…

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A strong person doesn’t seek revenge. They let karma do the dirty work.Too bad Bea isn’t strong, or at least she doesn’t think she is, which is why she jumps when the opportunity presents itself to get back at her twin brother and former best friend the summer before her senior year.That opportunity is six-foot-two, with the wing-span of an Olympic swimmer, the abs of a professional body builder … swimmer, the abs of a professional body builder and the strong jaw of a Greek god. Unfortunately, his name is Carter Haines and is Bea’s next-door neighbor. He’s also dangerous.…

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When a social worker and a truancy officer show up at Finley Rhodes’ cottage in Ocean Grove she knows her life is about to change forever.She just didn’t realize how much.At sixteen, she’d grown up fast, having the responsibility of taking care of her mentally ill mother, holding down a job to pay the bills and dropping out of school to do both. When her case manager tells her she’s being placed … manager tells her she’s being placed in foster care, Finley never expected her new home to be in the exclusive gated community and she certainly never thought…

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