Author: ameliamae

Nikki:Jack has explained his aversion to relationships about a million times to everyone. To me. To the guys in the band. Even to his mom, who gets kind of sad that he denounces monogamy so easily. He claims that no matter how intensely he might feel for a girl, he’ll eventually get bored of her. He’s also explained to me, multiple times, that I’m the only woman he’s ever been able to stand more … to stand more than a few days with. Because we’re friends. Just friends.I finish my beer quickly and lie back down, wrapping one arm around…

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Ian: Not everyone gets a chance to see their high school crush after having their album go platinum and selling out fucking stadiums. Doesn’t matter how unattainable she was in high school, the second she sees I’m a rock star, she’s gonna spread her legs just like all the others.Maybe it’d be a good idea to finally fuck her and get over this crush.Well, it’s not really a crush. Not anymore. That … a crush. Not anymore. That would be fucking crazy. More like I end up comparing every woman I meet to the girl I was so crazy about…

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