Author: aemurphyandxelaknight

New town, no friends, no love, new freedoms.Mallory Newman—now Scandal Oaks—is dropped on the doorstep of total strangers after a year in Louisiana Institute, a mental hospital for the “deranged.”Arrested in her first week she is treated like the town pariah because it’s her fault some thug cop tackled her to the ground.She doesn’t know why she’s here; she doesn’t care why she’s here; she doesn’t … here; she doesn’t know who the Oaks are. All she knows is her body and what it can do, and what people have made her do. When all she really wants to do…

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Small town, small-minded people, small expectations, and big A-holes.Lilith Deville is the new enigma at Lakeside Preparatory Academy, a prestigious high school by a river and not a lake, which makes sense, not. Already she hates it despite its beautiful landscape.Between riding her dirt bike through the sacred lands of the natives, plotting against those she meets, and holding greasy truckers at … truckers at gunpoint, Lilith makes no time for love or friendship. Forever the walking mystery (read misery) of her new home and school.That is until Nokosi Locklear catches her eye with his arrogance and a hard, toned…

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