Last Updated: 2021/11/26 10:41
Find out how to sign up for the Ubisoft Club and how to link your Assassin ‘s Creed Odyssey game to get access to single rewards, items, & challenges ! ! !
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What is the Ubisoft Club?
Get Rewards, Challenges in the Ubisoft Club
Ubisoft Club is Ubisoft ‘s own community and rewards platform that replaced the UPlay Win. In Ubisoft Club, players will get extra challenges and rewards for the games that they play !
Reading: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – GameWith
How to Make a Ubisoft Club Account
You can register for an account at the Ubisoft Club ‘s web site. Click on the “ Join the Club ” button on their home plate page and this will take you to their Log In page. From hera, you can select “ Create an Account ” !
The Ubisoft Account is Free
There are no membership fees in the Ubisoft Club. It is completely free and all you need to sign up for it is your e-mail address .
Earn Units by Completing Challenges
In the Ubisoft Club, some rewards can be unlocked with Units or the web site ‘s currentness. You can earn Units by playing games and completing challenges .
Should I Join Ubisoft Club?
Joining Ubisoft Club will provide adept amounts of in-game benefits such as cosmetics and boosters by using points you get from completing challenges. If you are a dedicated actor, it is worth considering to set up an account.
How to Link to the Ubisoft Club
You can link your console accounts to the Ubisoft Club in the Account Overview page. Just cluck on the report information then to the Linked Accounts section to link accounts .
Compatible Platforms to the Ubisoft Club
- PSN Account
- XBOX Live Account
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Rewards in the Ubisoft Club
Most rewards can be bought with Units but some can only be unlocked by completing sealed challenges in the game !
TOP 3 Recommended Ubisoft Club Rewards
ItemDescriptionArcane Sword (10 Units)Well rounded sword with perks complimenting upfront swordfights
Mycenean Axe (10 Units)Heavy Bladed weapon with high Crit-Damage potential. Best used for early Conquests.
Thrakian Bow (10 Units)Best used for hunting wildlifes and legendary beasts.
Assassin Creed Odyssey Ubisoft Club Rewards
ItemPriceMedjays Crew30 Units
The Phoenician30 Units
The Babylonian30 Units
Mycenean Armor20 Units
Mycenaean Steed20 UnitsMycenean Axe10 UnitsArcane Sword10 Units
The Rearranger10 UnitsThrakian Bow10 Units
Epsilon BladeExclusive Reward earned by participating in selected community activities
Mycenaean DoryPlay a Ubisoft demo directly at a gaming event in 2018
Eagle KopisExclusive Reward earned by participating in selected Community Contests
Temporary Drachmae Boost10 Units
Temporary XP Boost10 Units
EvieComplete “Master Assassin” challenge
Initiate’s PouchComplete the “Initiate” challenge
The Assassins (Male)Complete the “Assassin” Challenge
The Assassins (Female)Complete the “Assassin” Challenge
Exclusive Ubisoft Club Challenges
Challenges will give XP and units whenever you complete. Some unlock badges and even rewards !
Assassin Creed Odyssey Ubisoft Club Challenges
ChallengeDescriptionRewardWelcomePlay Assassin’s Creed OdysseyWelcome BadgeA New Sun RisesComplete Episode 1200XP, 10 unitsA SOlider, a Mercenary, a GodComplete Episode 2200XP, 10 unitsHistory in the MakingComplete the Episode 3200XP, 10 unitsMercenary in AthensComplete Episode 4200XP, 10 unitsThe HuntComplete Episode 5200XP, 10 unitsHow the Mighty Have FallenComplete Episode 6200XP, 10 unitsGods Among MenComplete Episode 7200XP, 10 unitsThe RevoltComplete Episode 8200XP, 10 unitsWhat an OdysseyComplete the main story line200XP, 20 unitsWorld ChampionReach the top Mercenary Rank200XP, 20 unitsStill a Long Road AheadReach Level 25200XP, 20 unitsI’m a SurvivorHave a Level 5 Bounty on your head200XP, 20 unitsFlexing My MuscleDefeat a Mythical Creature in combat300XP, 30 unitsGeopoliticianHelp swap the allegiance of 5 regions300XP, 20 unitsThis is Sparta!Visit Sparta100XP, 10 unitsThe Cradle of Western CivilizationVisit Athens100XP, 10 unitsEpic!Gear yourself in full Epic items200XPProm NightComplete and fully equip a Legendary Gear Set300XP, 20 unitsWindow ShoppingCollect Orichalcum Fragments300XPPreparedEngave 5 different items200XPBetter Be ReadyUpgrade your Spear once100XPYou Work for MeRecruit & assign a Legendary Lieutenant to the Adrestia200XPPirateSink 20 ships200XPIn Your FaceKill a Mercenary with a Headshot100XPA Very Special MerchantMeet Sargon200XPVisit Megara100XPThe Grapes of WrathVisit Korinth100XPOf Heroes and LegendsVisit Thebes100XPWar and RevolutionVisit Aipeia100XPThe Land of OlympiaVisit Elis100XPIn the Name of Athena AleaVisit Tegea100XPThe White PlainVisit Argos100XPNine WaysVisit Amphipolis100XPThe Land of Ajax the LesserVisit Opous100XPThe KykladesVisit Naxos100XPInitiateReach 100 XP in all Assassin’s Creed GamesInitiate Badge
Initiate’s PouchAssassinReach 3000 XP in all Assassin’s Creed GamesAssassin Badge
The Assassins (Male)Master AssassinReach 7,500XP in all Assassin’s Creed GamesMaster Assasin Badge
Unlock EvieBrain and BrawnDefeat All Mythic CreaturesBrain & Brawn BadgeGreek TourVisit all major citiesGreek Tour BadgeSail like it’s 431 BCEUpgrade the Adrestia fullySail like it’s 431 BCE BadgeThucydides Would Be ProudComplete the Main Story LineThucydides Would Be Proud BadgeCompletionistComplete All Classic Challenges offering Club Units in Assassin’s Creed OdysseyCompletionist BadgeShow Me the Money!Obtain all Club Rewards in Assassin’s Creed OdysseyShow Me the Money! Badge
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