Obwohl sie im Grunde ihres Herzens eine Romantikerin ist und auf den Held in schimmernder Rüstung wartet, wird Dorothy Kelley im Alter von fünfzehn Jahren bereits schwanger und findet sich mit achtzehn in einer lieblosen Ehe wieder. Doch als sie Jason “Jase” Brady kennenlernt, ein Mitglied des Hell’s Horsemen MC, scheint ihr das Glück endlich gewogen. Aber so einfach ist das alles nicht, denn … Jase ist verheiratet, hat Kinder und obwohl sie geduldig auf ihn wartet, scheint eine Trennung von seiner Frau nicht in Sicht. Als sie sich, nach wahrer Liebe sehnend, mit James “Hawk” Young einlässt, stellt sie damit die Weichen für eine Zukunft, in der sie Gefahr läuft, sich selbst zu verlieren.
Dies ist die Geschichte von Dorothy, Jase und Hawk.
Unschuldig geboren formt und prägt uns alle unser Leben. Es liegt allein an uns, uns selbst und die, die wir lieben, zu entdecken, zu akzeptieren, damit wir am Ende auf den Weg zurück finden, von dem wir einst abgekommen sind.
There are few authors that can drag me so deep into a story and the characters. This book seemed to be written straight from the author’s heart. The prologue, alone, made me really feel it. The book was definitely a 5 star read for me because of the tears and the good feelings it generated. So many mistakes and bad decisions, but redemption for those who deserved it. How can a book that has a HEA still leave me feeling sad for the bad choices people made? I am both excited and dreading the next release for this series. Only two more books and the series will end. I love the way the series covers decades from the young to the old. This is truly an epic series to me. Reading a book like this one (for me) makes it really hard to move on to another story because I know there are few that meet these standards.
I have to admit that this author has not written a book yet that I did not thoroughly enjoy. Undeniable was the first biker/MC romance for me and resulted in a true addiction to the genre. For the serious series followers, we all know the background about Dorothy/Jase/Hawk. We knew that all three of them were guilty of the sin of cheating, but what a screwed up mess. If you have no tolerance under any circumstances for cheating, you shouldn’t read this book and if you read the other books in the series then you already know the background. If you believe human frailty exists then you can understand the faults of all three, especially Dorothy and Jase. Do you have to condone it? No. This story was all about bad choices, redemption and forgiveness by the ones who love you. It’s about heartbreak and human insecurities that make people make bad choices. Jase was a self-centered man-ho, but in the end he pays for it in the most painful way.
The author brought home how decisions we make in our younger years come back to bite us when we are older. Jase reminds me of some guys I know who partied hard and lived for themselves thinking they would never grow old and when it did happen, they had a hard time figuring out what to do. Like I said, I felt sad that so much time was wasted for the major characters. So this one, for me, was not a happy dance with sunshine and roses at the end, but one of gladness that everyone seemed to be headed in the right direction. There are flashbacks to previous books that clarify the Dorothy/Jase/Hawk relationship but they were not overwhelming. In fact, they gave more clarity to the story line.
Every book shows Deuce aging and getting softer. At one point he tells Jase he should take care of his family first. It was clear Deuce realized it took him to long to finally realize the importance of family. Love all these characters, even with their deep imperfections. Looking forward very much to Preacher’s story and I hope the author makes it a long book….