This The Push book inspection gives you all the details you need to know about this frequent thriller with social comment about motherhood from the Good Morning America bible cabaret .
“The Push” Book Review / Summary
Content warning: While I LOVED The Push and VERY highly recommend it, I decidedly DO NOT recommend it for new or expecting moms. It ’ randomness fair very raw about that time in life, and I note most other reviews I have seen have said the like .
Ashley Audrain ’ s startling introduction fresh The Push is a provocative book that in truth made an impact on me, and I have been thinking about it for quite a few months now. It ’ s a psyschological thriller that makes social comment and in truth makes you think about motherhood, including it ’ s darkest sides.
It ’ s a fib about the most lifechanging and literal “ push ” that is childbirth, and the more figurative “ push ” that club places on women to have children .
Blythe Connor is a woman who had an abusive and detached mother, so she ’ second determined to be the best mother for her own daughter, Violet .
But Violet ’ s behavior seems “ off. ” Blythe thinks Violet hates her and may even be malicious. Blythe is in that “ fresh ma ” state of matter of confusion, reverence, and anxiety, wondering if it ’ second all in her head. What she ’ south think and feel is isolating, benighted, and raw, and it shines a light on parts of motherhood not much talked about .
What if motherhood is not what a woman anticipated it to be? The Push WILL make you feel uncomfortable in exploring that question, in a identical necessity kind of way .
Blythe ’ mho husband, Fox, abruptly dismisses her fears. so, possibly Violet actually isn ’ t a “ badly ” child after all, and it ’ s Blythe who is an treacherous narrator of this fib .
Motherhood is equitable not what Blythe thought it would be, and it seems everyone is doubting her, including herself .
But when their second child, Sam, is late born, Blythe connects profoundly with him and they share a beautiful love, until another questionable moment with Violet changes everything in their lives constantly.
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As The Push unravels from here, it decidedly keeps you guessing who ’ s full and who ’ sulfur bad in this mother-daughter kinship, but more importantly, why. This multi-layered kin drama is absolute chilling, and it will keep you on the border of your seat until you uncover the most disturb truths .
After all, Blythe ’ s own beget frequently told her this about her syndicate history : the women in their family are different .
The Push explores the differences between nature and foster, and how the effects of motherhood can affect generations of family, including the marriages at their cores .
At the end of the day, The Push is a compelling fresh that “ pushes ” us as a company to talk more about the darkest sides of motherhood and to be open to more interpretations to how women are “ supposed to ” feel about motherhood .
For all of these reasons, it besides makes a great book for reserve clubs that want a in truth provocative discussion .
“The Push” Book Ending Explained
After Blythe and Fox divorce, he gets custody of Violet and moves in with his girlfriend, Gemma, with whom he has a son named Jet. Blythe ’ s relationship with Violet remains strained and finally, Blythe loses trial rights.
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precisely when it seems Blythe has caused the fall of the syndicate, Gemma calls Blythe and informs her that something happened to Jet, implying that Violet has caused him damage .
frankincense, it appears Violet actually may be a sociopath and Blythe, vindicated. It ’ s not the most irregular ending, but what ’ s so haunting about it is the chilling truth that Violet is the apogee of generations of parental trauma .
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