Get out!He yelled those words at the love of his life twelve years ago, and to this day, Reed Hail regrets them. He’s always been the type of person to speak before he thinks, and apologies have never come easy.It’s been over a decade since she was his, and he stubbornly thinks that he can keep on living without her. He couldn’t be more wrong.The last thing he needs is her vagina anywhere near … needs is her vagina anywhere near his exam table. But nobody ever asks him what he wants.
Maybe he should’ve gone into the auto-recovery business after all.
I hate you.
Krisney Shaw would take those words back in a heartbeat if she could. In fact, she would take back everything.
Never meeting him would be the perfect place to start. The memory of Reed Hail haunts her—morning, noon, and night.
Then, to add insult to injury, she has to see him being happy while she’s breaking a little more inside every single day.
Reed Hail is her worst nightmare because she’s constantly reminded of exactly what she’s missing—the other half of her soul.
Just when she thinks things can’t get worse, she’s sees his sexy, bearded face over the top of her paper gown, and she’s lost all over again.
Don’t ever let me go.
Both Reed and Krisney are determined to avoid each other. They do a great job of it, too…not.
One ill-timed gynecological exam changes everything. One single second in time shows Reed what he’s missing—literally and figuratively—and suddenly he’s back at square one.
The only problem with being back at square one? He won’t be able to leave her a second time.
Especially since the first time around he didn’t have a child with her to consider.
Read and Krisney…. when their story was called the town love story they really were. these two loved each other so much that they were never able to move on even with 12 years of being apart. they are just so stubborn to see that they are just hurting themselves with not giving into their feelings. yes i understand some of Reed’s point of view. but still he never even tried. i wanted to just take theses two and lock them in a room till they worked out their issues. you feel for the Hail family for everything that they have been through, but then you also feel for Krisney for what she had to live through. one thing that i loved is just that i was again able to form some emotional connections with the characters. i was glad that there was more of Dante in this one, and i can’t wait for his book. more information came to light about Rafe. still there are more questions i have about his character.
If you like romance, mystery, humor, funny new words that make you spew coffee at 4 a.m. then get this book. OMG I knew it’d be really good, but I wasn’t as prepared for the emotions that overwhelmed me at times.
I know I say it every time but it’s so true Lani Lynn vale has done it again I flipping love her story lines and characters , it did feel a bit rushed at times but overall The Hail you say was a enjoyable second chance love story . After reading For the Love of beard I couldn’t wait to to get a hold of Reed and Krisneys story this can be read as a standalone the characters are mentioned through out the Hail Raisers series . We also got more Dante I’m so anxious to read his book and to see what he’s been up to one thing I do know is it will be very heartbreaking given the little tease at the end . Krisney and Reed are true soul mates but when tragedy struck they were torn apart only living half a life , lets just say the first time these two come into contact with one another was very unexpectedly HOT . I really loved Krisney and Reed they both felt deeply for one another but something kept holding the hero back and it frustrated me but it was understandable , the chemistry was off the charts steamy there is no denying the sexual charge when they would be in the same room together . We get funny , sad , happy , sexy , moments that made me fall even more for the story we also got to see appearances from past couples and how they are doing which I always love to see , and a little thing was brought up for Steel Cross wont say who he is (wink ). I highly suggest every one of Lani Lynn Vales books they are a true treasure to experience .
copy provided for honest review
hero=10 heroine=10 secondary characters=10 Chemistry=10 steam= 9
romance=9 humor=8 darkness level= 4 action=3 mystery= 3
enjoyment=10 angst=4 story line= 10 Story ending=10
character development= 10 pacing= 10
cover= 10 stars= 5 author= 10
would I recommend this book=yes
would I re read this book= yes
would I read future books by this author= yes
I absolutely loved Reed and Krisney’s story. Theirs was a second chance kind of love. Their first go around did not end well and twelve years later these two still feel the same way about one another but refuse to admit it. Luckily something crazy good happens which thrust these two back together. No matter how hard either one tries to fight it, destiny has other plans in mind.
I definitely would recommend reading this book and the rest in this series.
Reed and Krisney’s story is one that I find really hard to review. I just can’t judge either of them for the way they dealt with the hands they were each dealt. The tragedy that they each suffered was the same but from different sides of it and they both sucked.
Obviously I would have preferred Reed not to have cut Krisney out of his life for 12 years. And I am not going to try to justify him doing that but I can understand why he felt he needed to.
The few reviews I read bashing Krisney for being a doormat feel a little harsh. I didn’t feel like she was waiting around pining for Reed. She just felt resigned to the fact that he was someone she wasn’t going to get over and trying felt worse than just living with it.
But Reed was right there in not moving on. And the lengths he went to to keep her alive and well made me forgive the stubbornness that kept them apart.
Now my feelings on it all might be that the book was being told in past and present tense and leaving out a lot of the time in between. Or it might just be that I was enjoying the story and didn’t really look at what was missing because I was happy with what I had.
Now I am off to read the last book in the series and no doubt cry like a baby.
Goodness!!! This book was emotional, intriguing and super sexy. We have heard from Reed and Krisney in the previous Hail books but never really knew the full story. All I knew was that everyone would say Krisney was Reed’s. I felt so bad for Krisney, she didn’t deserve to go through what she did but she just put up with it. I guess in her own way she felt she deserved it because of what her brother did and how her parents acted. She went on with her life with a broken heart but made something of herself. She holds on to that love for Reed and tolerates the way he treats her. She tries to move on but she just can not let him go. Little does she know that Reed still feels for her, although he is so confused by it. He wants to be near her but at the same time doesn’t. Deep down they both know that they belong with each other, everyone else can see it, they can see it but their past haunts them both. Their past stories were heartbreaking. At times I wanted to shake Reed and tell him to get over himself. Lani Lynn Vale once again wrote a beautiful story about two people who love one another so fiercely they get a second chance to make it right.
Reed and Krisney’s story was amazing and emotional. I loved how it went to the past and then to the present time. I, personally, thought it was a smooth transition. Another fabulous read.
It was ok. A lot of issues that are becoming repetitious. I have to put off Lani Lynn Vale books for a while. I keep falling into the trap of thinking I’m going to like this series and I really don’t. I think I’m throwing in the towel.
Can I just say that Lani Lynn Vale blows me away, every freaking book. You would think, that it would get boring or start feeling repetitive, but they don’t. I do suggest reading from Boomtown on, you won’t be sorry and it just makes reading the new books all that much better! So, we all know about Krisney and Reed, and their situation. Now, we are years later and both find themselves back in their hometown. Krisney is shocked at seeing Reed when she goes in for a check up, after all, she just left him in Germany after their last attempt at an exam. Now, the two are thrown together trying to figure out the next step in their lives, but can Krisney handle the thought of getting broken again?
Krisney and Reed fighting for their second chance was an amazing ride! Add in some flashbacks, some seriously hot sexy times, a few moments where your heart just breaks in two and are almost sobbing, this was just simply perfect! 5 stars all the way!
OMG THIS BOOK. It came out today and I didn’t hesitate to buy it and start it. I literally read it in almost one sitting, only putting it down when I had to go to work. I absolutely loved Krisney and Reed. I loved seeing how they met, how they started dating and even how they split up. The author did such a good job showing their history along with their current day story.
This book is probably one of my favorites by the author!
My reviews of Lani Lynn Vale’ books are kinda all over the place because while I’m up to date with the reading part, meaning I read absolutely everything written by her but sometimes I just forget to leave my thoughts about them. To be honest it’s kind of hard because summing up the events of a book is not my style but I also don’t want to constantly repeat myself in every review, which I could do because she has a consistent style.
Lani Lynn Vale is a goddess for providing the much needed monthly fantastic blue collar/ first responder romances. She creates phenomenal, interwoven stories in great settings. I loved her books even in her early years when the books were a bit rough around the edges but since then her writing smoothed out quite a bit, becoming even better.
Her book practically can be read as standalone novels but if you read her previous ones the you get an extra insight.
This story had the potential to being a 5 star read, unfortunately there were a couple of things in the beginning that bothered me. Reed and Krisney’s book is second chance romance where the couple needs to overcome a lot of obstacles. The first two or so chapters set the perfect atmosphere for the rest of the story.
I think most of the plot was insane, dramatic but so exciting and emotional. However at the beginning there are a few scenes where the events made me really uncomfortable and a bit pissed. Mainly the whole angry sex/regrets/ ignoring each other for weeks/ repeat thingy the do during the whole first half of the book. That was a n unappealing part of the story and it bothered me a lot. Instead of talking, ignoring each other, real mature!
Anyway I liked the rest of the plot it had quite the sock factor. As for the characters, they were not my fave ones form the author. Krisney is a bit of a doormat her whole life, she has a big mouth when it comes to other people problems otherwise she is quietly takes everything. It pisses me off so much when relationships suffer only because of lack of communication.
Reed on the other hand was and a**hole for years with the girl he was supposedly in love for years. He is unwilling to commit, yet still strings her along, hurting her in the process. So yes they are not the most likeable characters, but I enjoyed the plot.
The Hail family tragedy that began with Tobias’s book continues to impact the family with this book. Krisney and Reed were all that was good about young love, and neither could see that changing. But it did. Life tore them apart, but could not change how they felt about each other.
Krisney is such a strong character. Her life was a living Hell, and then the only good part about it was snatched away from her. This would have broken a lesser person, but not Krisney. She finds a way to come out on top, despite everything that happens. Then she is thrown a curve ball!
Reed is a very confusing man. He tries to put everyone else’s feelings ahead of his own. He wants Krisney, even after all this time, but won’t let himself have her. His guilt won’t let go of him. This leads to back and forth, misunderstandings, and hurt feelings.
Krisney and Reed belong together. There is no other way of putting it. Right from the beginning, I was rooting for them. Through out the chaos, the family drama, and the twists and turns, there was such a rightness to their relationship, I couldn’t help but want them together.
This book has a hotness factor of 100! As hot as a Lani Lynn Vale book is, I think this one is even hotter! And there are lots of action, surprises and drama to keep you attached to you e reader until the last word is read. I’ve enjoyed all of the Hail Raiser books, but Krisney and Reed bring out tears and laughs, and touched my heart like no other before. As always, Lani Lynn Vale does not disappoint, and never fails to deliver a book that keeps you guessing, and keeps you reading!
I don’t know how the author does it but each book I read, each new series I start I love more than the last.
The Hail You Say is Reed and Krisney’s book, both we’ve met in previous books in the series. Krisney God bless her, has never gotten over Reed. Spent her time trying to forget him but it just doesn’t work. (I really would love to ask her just how she thought she could forget a Hail man in the first place) A visit to her OB and their suddenly face to face again, well face to other parts as well but I’ll keep it clean!
After years of fighting to stay apart they hit the point of no return, one time an then they’ll both be out of each others system. Sounds good right?
These two are in for a whole new reality!!
This book answers questions I had at the end of book 4 as well as opened my eyes to other characters I’m dying to hear more about.
As always this author sucks you in early on, keeping you stuck to your seat daring anyone to interrupt your reading. The characters are amazing. You have snark, sass, ignorance, a dash of humor and a healthy dose of heat an you have a Lani Lynn Vale book. One worth it’s weight in gold. These are my new favorite characters – subject to change when the next book comes out!
Reed and Krisney there story….
Another great tale by this amazing author.I have to say that I really don’t read a lot of second chance romances like this one but, I really should as I liked seeing how old loves find there way back to one another.For me this was a really sad story that caused two people who where clearly soul-mates to separate due to someone else’s actions who caused a family loss,pain and suffering.
I always pick a favorite character in a story that I am currently reading and mine this time around is going to be Krisney. Why you ask ?There where just so many things that I loved about her character.I found her to be smart,sassy,sexy,determined and some one loved with her whole heart.funny and someone who emotionally suffered much yet never left her broken just more determined and furiously independent.I loved how once she gave her heart to Reed there was no turning back for her he was her one true love and always would be.She tried to move on but, the heart wants what it wants and she chose to stay true to Reed even though they were apart and no future for one another.If Krisney was not able to have the one she wanted she chose to go it alone and take comfort in her memories.This just proves that once you find your soul-mate there is truly no room for another in your heart foolish or not but, I found it quite endearing.
Reed Hail on the other hand I had mixed feelings about his character.Reed was the type of character that you love and dislike at the same time.I love how fiercely he loves Krisney in the now and always.Even though he loves her this much he continues to break her heart even after all these years.You understand why he felt the need to give her up in the first place but, as the story progresses we learn that he never truly gave her up just continued to love her behind the scenes yet refuses to create a life together now even after 12 years have passed.Reed was just a frustrating character that you just wanted to smack him upside of his head and tell him what a fool he was as so many never even have a taste of what he had with Krisney.It took almost losing the women he loved since high school and his family to see was right in front of him all along and now its too late….
I really enjoyed the story and its character especially when a couple love so fiercely and I loved being on Reed and Krisney’s finding their way back to one another.The chemistry this couple had toward one another was fierce and loving and hot as hell.When this couple were in a room together you felt the heat and sizzle.
My favorite scene who have to be Reeds confession of his love for Krisney in the hospital and it somewhat redeemed himself in my eyes.
My final thoughts
I loved both characters from the onset and no matter what their obstacles were there was no doubt they belonged together and they were and always had been the perfect soul-mate for one another.They had me rooting for their happiness throughout the entire story hoping that the dreams that they once had would become a reality.Even though I enjoyed these characters at the same time I felt they were a bit disconnected .I am not sure this is the correct word but, this is why I feel that way.This story had a tragic event that caused this couple to split and come between them but ,It was Reed’s words that sent her away .When fate brings them together again their first meeting is explosive and you clearly see that the love they once shared was still there.Even though Reed is back in Krisney’s life he still remains emotionally detached from her but not physically.He loves her still yet is still determined not to have a future with her,yet can’t stay away and it is clearly hurting Krisney in the process.When the time has finally runs out and its to late for them now he wants a future with her.My favorite scene is where I should have been crying up a storm but,I was not.This was the type of story that should have tugged at your heart strings in a big way and it did in some ways because you felt their loneliness and sadness they both experienced but, I never felt myself well up and cry or feel like crying and this story had more than one opportunity to make you do that.I guess what I am saying that I wished that the story had moved me to tears at some point throughout the story.This is just something I felt was missing for me that is all and that does not mean that it still wasn’t a great story as I did enjoy it very much.
I loved that Dante made and appearance with Mary and that he is taking the steps to come out of the darkness and into the light again and perhaps we will get to here his story very soon.
Another enjoyable read and we are so enjoying this series and would recommend it and any other books by this author as all the ones we have read so far have been great reads.
And Oh! I love that Rafe still remains a mystery….
5 stars from us
Full review @
Krisney Shaw and Reed Hail were high school sweethearts so in love they even had a dream house picked out for “some day.” They thought nothing could ever stop their happy ever after. Everything changes, however, when Krisney’s brother does the inconceivable to Reed’s sister causing a a chasm so wide to open between their families that tears them apart for more than a decade.
Even though they are apart, neither can forget the other . . . Reed even going as far as requesting the same military base Krisney is stationed at just so he can keep tabs on her, without her knowing of course. While they can’t get over one another, they also can’t find a way to reconnect with so much hurt between them . . .that is until Krisney ends up in Reed’s examination room for a routine gynecological exam.
After the exam turns heated, both go back to avoiding one another . . . neither can chance having their heart broken again when they still haven’t recovered from the first time. A few months later, however, when Krisney once once again finds herself in Reed’s exam room, they discover both of their lives are about to change forever. Now it’s up to Reed to see if twelve years of hurt be erased so he and Krisney can have a chance at a family and their happy ever after.
I really love all the Hail brothers and have been waiting for Reed’s story. He and Krisney’s young love truly is broken by tragic circumstances that neither knows how to deal with. Their avoidance tactics may keep them away from one another, but it certainly doesn’t let them heal and move on with their lives. It’s like they have literally been put on hold for a decade, simply going through the motions needed to survive, but not truly live life.
Krisney’s past is even darker than Reed knows and she isn’t willing to just throw herself back into a relationship with him, baby or not, because she has to protect her heart. She knows she can’t go through it again unless he can truly prove he is all in and Reed is willing to work to prove he’s never walking away again.
I loved watching Reed and Krisney try to reconnect and appreciate that the author didn’t make that easy . . . it was very emotional and real feeling. Their unexpected curveball also keeps them on their toes and when a new enemy tries to rip them apart again, they have to fight with their very lives to stay together.
The Hail You Say was intense, emotional, funny, sad, romantic and tosses in a huge and unexpected curveball that rocks the very foundation of this couple and the Hail family. I definitely did not see this plot twist coming and it added phenomenal depth and dram to the story.
5 stars for The Hail You Say and a bit of impatience as I want Dante’s story right now!
Wow, this is my favourite Hail book of the series. I started reading it on a tram journey, which wasn’t the best of idea’s. Why? Well we quickly got to quite a steamy scene that then led to a heart breaking scene that had tears welling in my eyes right there in the middle of a busy tram of commuters. For me, this story was just one wonderful, emotional and very satisfying read.
I only really had one issue with the plot (and the book as a whole) so I’m going to deal with that first. A horrific event involving other members of Reed and Krisney’s families leads to him dumping her. She is the love of his life but he is worried that seeing her will upset/hurt his family. That I can get BUT I can’t understand why none of his brothers tried to make him see sense in the intervening 12 years. The men we’ve met in previous books aren’t afraid of expressing their opinion and I’m sure would have told Reed what an idiot he was being, so I had to swallow that bit of plot with a pinch of salt.
However , that aside I loved this book. The characters were amazing, especially Krisney who was just so perfectly imperfect and so very real. I really liked Reed, even if he needed a kick up the bum and a good shake at first. The plot moves with good pace, has some interesting twists and turns and a side order of suspense. In some ways there’s nothing huge that happens in this story, but the writing is such that it held me enthralled from start to finish and was pretty much a one-sit reading.
I totally engaged with the main characters in the book and felt their emotions. Without a doubt, I believed in their love, their heartache and their damaged relationship. In fact what made this such a good read for me was that I cared about them and needed them to have a HEA together.
This book can easily be read as a stand alone, although reading the previous books gives it even more depth. If you’ve read and enjoyed any other Hail books then I’m sure you’ll love this one too. If you haven’t read any yet then I recommend you try this book.
I went into this book not knowing fully what to expect from this couple and I absolutely fell in love with their story. I wanted to hate Reed so bad in the beginning but when in a situation that these two were in who knows what choices we would’ve made. Love is not easy and when the love you not only have for someone else but for your family factors in things get complicated. Add in a mix of guilt and remorse and things get chaotic.
I always knew that Krisney was such a sweet and caring person and reading this only went to show how much. The fact that after everything she went through in her life and she ended up as such a good person who didn’t let all the hits in life turn her bitter warmed my heart.
Lani does such a great job with each and every book. My heart gets completely invested in each of her couples stories and this one had me in its clutches from the very beginning. I can’t wait for Dante’s story. I highly recommend this book.
The Hail family tragedy that began with Tobias’s book continues to impact the family with this book. Krisney and Reed were all that was good about young love, and neither could see that changing. But it did. Life tore them apart, but could not change how they felt about each other.
Krisney is such a strong character. Her life was a living Hell, and then the only good part about it was snatched away from her. This would have broken a lesser person, but not Krisney. She finds a way to come out on top, despite everything that happens. Then she is thrown a curve ball!
Reed is a very confusing man. He tries to put everyone else’s feelings ahead of his own. He wants Krisney, even after all this time, but won’t let himself have her. His guilt won’t let go of him. This leads to back and forth, misunderstandings, and hurt feelings.
Krisney and Reed belong together. There is no other way of putting it. Right from the beginning, I was rooting for them. Through out the chaos, the family drama, and the twists and turns, there was such a rightness to their relationship, I couldn’t help but want them together.
This book has a hotness factor of 100! As hot as a Lani Lynn Vale book is, I think this one is even hotter! And there are lots of action, surprises and drama to keep you attached to you e reader until the last word is read. I’ve enjoyed all of the Hail Raiser books, but Krisney and Reed bring out tears and laughs, and touched my heart like no other before. As always, Lani Lynn Vale does not disappoint, and never fails to deliver a book that keeps you guessing, and keeps you reading!
This would have to be the most emotional story that I feel Lani Lynn Vale has written to date. Reed and Krisney’s story is one that broke me and had the tears flowing. However in saying that it was also funny, packed with drama and action, hot and steamy and full of so much love and affection. The Hail You Say, showed us that there was so much more depth and heartbreak to what these two had suffered over the past 12 years when Reed had pushed Krisney away. Secrets had been kept and truths were not spoken which had continued to keep these two apart when their hearts only yearned for each other. This is a story that will not relent as it captures your heart and soul. Cannot put in words how beautiful this journey was and five stars just does not do this book justice.
I’m not the biggest fan of second chances romance, but this convinced me and won my heart. It was beautiful see they get a HEA.
There is a lot of things in a book, but IMO they all fit in story line. And even that my heart has broken in some parts, it still had cute, sweet, funny and hot moments (and those two together are very hot!)
The Hail you Say is another Lani’s book that get in to my favorite’s list and I loved reading. Worth every tear, every sigh and every smile.