In the highly-anticipated next installment of the Serafina series, Serafina must confront the darkest threat she’s ever encountered at Biltmore Estate. She knows she can face anything with her best friend and closest ally, Braeden Vanderbilt, by her side. But when a sinister force tears them apart, Serafina scrambles to uncover the mystery of her most formidable challenge yet…and about herself … herself and the destiny that awaits her.
You’ll find it starts out slow but it gets better and better.
Another great Serafina book. This book had me close to tears a few times. It was so moving. I love how the characters noticeably change and grow in this book. I am eager to see what else is in store for Serafina, Braden, and Gideon.
It’s very good I love the suspense
Serafina and the Splintered Heart by Robert Beatty is the third installment of the Serafina trilogy. There are more dangers for Serafina and her family and friends at Biltmore Estate.
Serafina has become one of my all time favorite characters, and these books have become some of my favorite stories that I can share with my grandchildren.
You can read my review of the first book, Serafina and the Black Cloak, here:
absoulutly amazing.
My 4th grade daughter has just this year began truly enjoying books. She was very excited to find the Serafina books in the library because they also have them at school, and then talked her father into buying the third book in the series: Serafina and the Splintered Heart by Robert Beatty. She has excitedly told me about the story several times: something about cloaks and a girl catching rats. It sounded rather strange, so today I picked up her book and read it. It was very well written. I was surprised, after her description of the story, at all the details of the world around. I asked my daughter if she would like to write a review. It was apparently too much like homework for her to really get into it, but she did write the following:
” This book is about a girl named Serafina. It takes place in Biltmore Estates. I like it because Serafina is brave and strong in her own way.”
I’m not going to dive into the book myself because it was the third book and I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, but if you have a daughter who likes to read adventure books that are a little scary with a bit of magic (and a little gore), check out this series!
I picked this series up because of all the hype—fully expected to hate it—and actually loved it. The Serafina books are paranormal/horror geared towards elementary students. And while some feel that the book borders on being too violent for their particular children, I didn’t feel that way at all. I think this all comes down to knowing what your child can or can’t handle.
Yes, there are some pretty intense moments. The book begins with Serafina digging herself out of her own grave and it progresses to dark magic that may or may not employ the use of enchanted black widow spiders. Creepy!
This book kept me on the edge of my seat. I kept turning the pages to see how Serafina would overcome the return of an old foe. And I wanted to know if another young lady would find redemption from her past mistakes.
This book and series have a lot to offer. Friendship, acceptance of a child who is physically different and the courage to do what we need to.
Her pa had told her once that true courage wasn’t because you didn’t feel fear. True courage was when you were scared of something, but you did it anyway because it needed to be done.
Due to content that may be scary for some readers, I would definitely suggest parents read this series before passing it on to their children. I was personally okay with the content and I knew my 10 and twelve-year-old could handle it. I would not let my eight-year-old read the series at this time.
Overall, this is one of my favorite Young Adult series and I look forward to the next series being published by Robert Beatty. Willa of the Wood releases on July 10,2018.