This station is intended as a short, spoiler-free introduction to raw readers of “ S ”, a book authored by Doug Dorst and conceived by J.J. Abrams. Seasoned readers – you probably already know everything here – so if you want to go deep, proceed directly to the Intermediate Guide to Reading “ S. ”
Book of “S” Contents
ship of Theseus
“ S ” consists of the assumed bible, Ship of Theseus by the assumed author V.M. Straka, along with its marginalia, inserts, and translator foreword and footnotes. ship of Theseus is the 19th book by V.M. Straka. The other 18 books ( fictional and non-existent a far as we know ) are listed inside the book to the leave of the deed page in apparent chronological order.
Reading: A Beginner’s Guide to Reading “S”
The Marginalia
The book is filled with the margin notes of two people, a male and female, who inaugural meet not personally, but by exchanging notes over a period of time. As you read the marginalia, pay attention to the colors of the ink/pencil used to write, underline, draw, etc. It could help you determine if one set of colors was written at a unlike time than a moment set of colors .
The Inserts
The inserts consist of handwritten notes, photograph, maps, postcards, newspaper clippings, etc., left by the same two people who are writing in the margins in order to communicate. It besides includes something called an EOTVOS rack which you will find in the very back .
interpreter Foreword and Footnotes
These are the work of F.X. Caldeira. The foreword introduces the translator ’ second self, the author V.M. Straka, and respective early information about the book and the translator ’ sulfur influence .
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Where do I begin ?
This is up to you. I suggest you be careful to flip through the book and note the placement of the inserts first. If you don ’ metric ton, though, there is a handy web foliate that will help you remember where they all go. The placement of the inserts is likely important to some degree .
Some readers have chosen to read Ship of Theseus along with the marginalia, inserts, and footnotes as they come to them. This is one method. however, it may fragment your ability to comprehend what you are reading with excessively much multi-tasking. besides, the margin notes may not be in chronological order, so you risk even more confusion if you go front-to-back taking everything in at once .
Another option is to read the print textbook of Ship of Theseus in its entirety before going back through a second prison term and reading the margin notes and viewing the inserts. Understanding the book itself may help you understand extras and the narrative they contain. This may be difficult for some readers, because the print textbook is often underscore, circled, or otherwise emphasized with relevant discussion in the notes .
There is no right or amiss way – there is just what you think would work well for your style of comprehension and entertainment. This is a ledger to be savored. Remember, it was conceived by J.J. Abrams, so it is apposite to be more than merely a mystery – it will probably contain hidden codes, tantalizing metaphors, a secret story within the floor that is already within the fib, etc. Just absorb what you can and let the pieces of the puzzle begin to take form in your mind. As Abrams himself once said…
I urge you to dig. Give in to the stranger for a while and ponder the mystery. It ’ s worth it.
Read more: 15 Mystery Series That’ll Keep You Guessing
What is this EOTVOS wheel thingy and what do I do with it ?
That becomes clear only in the gross profit notes, so wear ’ thyroxine worry about it until you have digested those .
Once I get going, what resources are there to help me along?
here is a list of recommend resources for understanding “ S ” that go beyond the physical, print koran .
Anything else I should keep in mind while I read ?
I suggest merely absorbing the story a much as possible. As you do, connections will begin to form in your mind that seem to point you in assorted directions. For example ( minor spoiler alert ), there is a monkey that appears occasionally throughout the ledger. At one charge, a character says, “ Follow the monkey. ” This seems to indicate that each time there is an appearance of the tamper, a hint may be present .
The biggest bite of advice I can offer is simply to relish every separate of the “ S ” feel. Take your time. Explore. Wander. Ponder. Meditate. And, if you so choose, join others in person or on-line in exploring the mystery of “ S. ” And if you have anything to add to this guide, please don ’ t hesitate to leave a comment and let everyone know .
once you have finished the koran, take a look at the Intermediate Guide to Reading “ S. ”
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