In this terrifying tale of humanity’s desperate stand against a robot uprising, Daniel H. Wilson has written the most entertaining sci-fi thriller in years. Not far into our future, the dazzling technology that runs our world turns against us. Controlled by a childlike—yet massively powerful—artificial intelligence known as Archos, the global network of machines on which our world has grown … grown dependent suddenly becomes an implacable, deadly foe. At Zero Hour—the moment the robots attack—the human race is almost annihilated, but as its scattered remnants regroup, humanity for the first time unites in a determined effort to fight back. This is the oral history of that conflict, told by an international cast of survivors who experienced this long and bloody confrontation with the machines. Brilliantly conceived and amazingly detailed, Robopocalypse is an action-packed epic with chilling implications about the real technology that surrounds us.
This was a very fun book to read. I have to admit that since there was so much buzz when it came out, I was slightly disappointed when I read it. Robopocalypse is a fun book, but not an incredible one. The characters are thin and it wasn’t super- surprising or origina. HOWEVER, the pacing was fantastic with lots of fun action. It’s the equivalent …
This is a fantastic book that creates a realistic potential future and then populates it with fantastic characters. He effectively tells the story through a series of snapshots from a miriade of differing perspectives. Each story is complete in and of itself and taken together create a tapestry that tells the whole saga from inception to …
The genius of what Daniel created in this novel was mixing technology with our underlying fear of advancement. This blend eats away at the stability we hold dear as humans. And let’s be honest–Daniel gave us the best parts of the ‘Terminator’ movie we never made it to the screen. This novel hits on every level.
This book made me turn off my smart phone and not use it for three days. Daniel H. Wilson does a fantastic job of making everyday technology terrifying in a way that I’d never seen done before. This, and the follow up novel Robogenesis are absolute reads for anyone with a love for technology.
Nice read, have reread it several times.
Stephen King was right – this is a fun read.
This book was a little “too” realistic. So much of the robotics being portrayed and developed are not only possible, but just a short matter of time away. I couldn’t put the book down. Looking for similar books of this genre.
To military for my taste.
I am not fond of disjointed books and this one didn’t change my mind. It was, in general, better written than most that follows timeline and meander all over.
Really good book. Very eye-opening about real world issues disguised as a sci-fi apocalypse story.
Interesting sci fi book. War between the humans and the robots with good characters and well written situations.
Great premise for a book (think terminator with more reality). Gritty and fast moving. It could have been longer.
Good read by an always-interesting writer.
Not as good as hoped but ok
Entertaing and fun. original method of telling the story.
Loved this story. An entertaining, fun, easy read. Credible Science Fiction, based on hard science (the best kind.) And hopefully, it will be a movie soon, and a great one, I’m sure. Definitely one of the best books I’ve read.
It’s written in an interesting format – the whole book is told in short stories that connect with other short stories. They’re not really chapters. It allows me to read a full story if I only have 10 minutes to read and I like that.
I love futuristic novels of this type.
Great action packed story that really makes you think about where we’re going with technology. Lots of action and loads of intriguing back and forth between humans and robot antagonists. Highly recommend it.