How to Unlock Loader In Risk of Rain 2
Best solution : The fastest means to unlock the Loader is by completing the Guidance Offline Challenge in Siren ’ s Call. Which is one of the two possible fourth stages. To complete this challenge, you will need to find and destroy 5 blue vulture egg nests . These nests are hidden across the map and have randomized spawns. once you destroy the fourthly nest, the following text will appear in your chew the fat .
Destroying the fifth nest will trigger the boss engender. Another text will appear in your old world chat that will read “ The whir grows forte ” after you destroy the last nest. curtly after, the Alloy worship Unit will spawn in the center of the map. The Alloy Worship Unit is not sol easily to kill because it is constantly flying.
When the foreman ’ s health drops below 50 %, it unleashes alloy supercharged detonation attack. A shield surrounds the party boss, and around two to six big blue circles randomly appear on the grind. These circles reduce survivors ’ mobility and detonate after five seconds. Anyone caught in a blue bubble will receive 400 % price and get launched into the air. You will need to play with a survivor that has good long-range attacks such as The Huntress. You can besides use the Mercenary to defeat the Alloy Worship Unit by jumping above it and then shifting into it. Defeating the bos will unlock the Loader in Risk of Rain 2. The boss will besides drop a legendary item for each player .
Risk of Rain 2 Loader Abilities
Loader has a sum of eight abilities. All of these abilities pack a serious punch and make her a survivor with the highest damage output in Risk of Rain 2. hera is a breakdown of all her abilities .
Primary Ability – Knuckle Boom
This is Loader ’ s chief melee attack that can hit multiple enemies at once and deal 320 % damage. You can gain a set of barrier when combined with Scrap Barrier and easily destroy any common foe .
Secondary Abilities – Grapple Fist and Spiked Fist
The Loader has two options to choose from for her secondary coil ability. Both of these abilities have a cooldown of 5 seconds .
- Grapple Fist: The Loader can fire her gauntlet forward, pulling her to to the target. Grapple Fist can be used to grapple to anything including walls, ceiling, and even enemies.
- Spiked Fist: A better alternative to the Grapple Fist. Deals 320% damage upon firing the gauntlet forward. Pulls you towards heavy targets. Light targets will be pulled towards you.
Passive Ability – Scrap Barrier
The Loader has an incredibly utilitarian Passive. She is immune to fall damage. Striking enemies with the Loader ’ mho gauntlets grant a temp barrier .
Utilities – Charged Gauntlet or Thunder Gauntlet
The Loader has two options to choose from for her Utility. Both of these utilities have a cooldown of 5 seconds .
- Charged Gauntlet: The Loader can charge up a piercing punch for 600%-2700% damage. This ability can be used to instantly kill almost all of the enemies in the game. This skill deals more damage the faster you are moving.
- Thunder Gauntlet: The Loader can charge up a single-target punch for 2100% damage that shocks enemies in a cone for 1000% damage. Similar to the Charged Gauntlet, this skill also deals more damage the faster you are moving.
Special Ability – M551 Pylon and Thunderslam
- M551 Pylon: The Loader can throw a floating pylon that zaps up to 6 nearby enemies for 100% damage. The floating Pylon can be grappled. It has a cooldown of 20 seconds.
- Thunderslam: Slam your fists down, dealing 2000% damage on impact. It has a cooldown of 8 seconds.
Best Combos
nowadays that you know all of the Loader ’ south Abilities in Risk of Rain 2, you must besides know how to mix them all to get the highest damage while keeping yourself safe from enemy attacks. Loader is above MUL-T if you are curious to know how well she is .
- You can use knuckle boom for crowd control. This attack slightly stuns and knocks enemies a little further away from you with each hit. However, small-sized enemies like Beetles, Imps, and Hermit Crabs rush you and surround you to deal with simultaneous attacks. In situations like these, you should use knuckle boom to your advantage.
- Secondary skills grapple fist and spiked fist only receive a cooldown whenever they land on an enemy or a terrain. Otherwise, their usage does not count and becomes ready for re-use. You can mix this with knuckle boom to reel back in the enemy to your melee attack range.
- Charged gauntlet’s damage increases with loader’s movement. Also, you can charge the gauntlet while you are reeling a smaller enemy to you or pulled by a big enemy. Unleash the charged attack at the apex of approaching an enemy. The skill will land massive damage instead of charging it at a standstill position with zero movement speed. Once again, executing a combo by mixing grapple fist, spiked fist, and the charged gauntlet is a perfect solution for serious damage and confusing the enemies. The grapple’s high mobility will render the enemies running after you while you deal more damage and escape every time.
- Do not make a combo by using a thunder gauntlet and charged gauntlet. Doing this makes the former useless, and the latter deals the damage only. However, the thunder gauntlet pairs well with thunder slam. Therefore, it guarantees significant damage after executing both moves in a combo attack.
- Since a single M551 Pylon remains inactive for 1.65 seconds, we highly recommend using it with an attack that stuns enemies. You can get the most of M551 Pylon after using a thunder slam skill.
Risk of Rain 2 Loader Build
The two main types of builds that you can achieve with the Loader are the Attack Speed Build and the One-Shot Build .
Attack Speed Build
To create this build, you will require the Artifact of Command. Without it, you will have a hard time finding the items you need for the human body. You will need at least 6 to 7 Lens Makers ’ Glasses that would be used for whiten items, 2 fuel cells for green items, and a 57 leaf clover for your Legendary. To get an early legendary, you will need to find the newt altar on either stage 1 or 2, this will enable you to go through the void fields easily. You can get three Gesture of the Drowned at the Bazaar if it is unbarred. Along with a Spinel Tonic. The combination of 2 fuel cells and 3 gesture of the Drowned will make the tonic last constantly. You will need 2 war horns when your Spinel Tonic is constantly activated, This will enable you to have a permanent 70 % bonus to your attack speed, along with Spinel Tonic ’ s bonus. once you have enough Lens Makers ’ Glasses, you can balance Lens Maker ’ south Glasses and Tougher Times to minimize the come of damage received. After having 2 war horns, you will need to combine 3 Predatory Instincts and add them to the Critical Chance. This will allow Loader to be more Tanky and get a fortune more attack speed after adding Tougher Times. You should opt for infusions when you have predatory Instincts. You could combine any fabled with this build and it would perform well, except for Shaped Glass which will cut impermanent hitpoints in half .
One-Shot Build
The necessity for the One-Shot Build is the upgrade Spiked Fist and the default utility Charged Gauntlet. Although Thunder Gauntlet is besides a good choice it can not compete with the Charged Gauntlet. You can go for fully glass cannon and shade glass with this human body because the One-Shot protection is not so bang-up on the Loader. To increase your damage output, you can go for the Elite Ukulele and Guitar Bands. With this construct, you should always go for the Crowbars so your gauntlet can get the highest burst of damage in the game, for a single prey. Doing up to 2700 % damage depending on how fast you are moving. You can apply the same enhancements to Engineer, who besides proved to be effective .
Attack Speed Build or One-Shot Build
One of Loader ’ s special abilities is that you will gain impermanent score points every time you attack person using the Knuckleboom, Spiked Fist, Charged Gauntlet, or Thunder Gauntlet. thing is, the amount of impermanent hit points gained is not determined by how hard you attack.
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You will gain the lapp number of shoot points per hit whether you deal low damage or identical high damage. This is why you should focus on increasing the Attack focal ratio with Loader. Hence, Attack Speed Build is the better option for Loader .
Risk of Rain 2 Loader Best Items
Loader is a heavy-hitting melee fictional character in Risk of Rain 2. She is excellent for clearing herd or dealing significant wrong to a single target. But, of naturally, all of the naked world power comes at the expense of mobility as the Loader is the dense of the 11 survivors. The only two ways to increase her movement rush are using items and skills ; spiked fist and grappling fist. With the Loader, your independent focus should be the items that increase the drift speed and AoE damage. here are some of the best items that you can choose for your Loadout .
Kjaro’s band
just like Acrid, the Kjaro Band works very well with Loader. This detail will hit enemies with a runic flame crack upon attacks that deal 400 % damage or more. The stevedore is capable of doing more than 400 % wrong very easily, making this item identical utilitarian .
Backup Magazine
This item will give the actor an extra charge ( +1 extra charge per push-down storage ) of their secondary. Backup Magazines are very essential for the Loader because you can get an extra grapnel per push-down list. This was besides the shell with Artificer, whom we tested during the holocene patch .
Lens Maker’s Glasses
This item gives the player a 10 % gamble per smokestack to critically strike on each reach, so you can deal double the wrong using the Loader. The critical effect will not only apply to your four abilities but besides to other forms of wrong, like equipment .
Using this detail will improve Loader ’ s crowd control. This token spawns an area-of-effect attack in a 12-meter radius upon killing an enemy. The damage increases by 280 % and the image increase by 2.4 meters when this token is stacked. Equip this and AtG Missile Mk. 1, and you have the perfect combination of becoming a singular menace to the enemies .
Focus Crystal
The stevedore can make perfect use of the Focus Crystal since she is a melee survivor. The Focus Crystal increases wrong by 20 % to enemies if they are in a 13-meter radius. frankincense, equipping this token tops your loader ’ south existing free-base damage with an extra 20 %, which will prove devastating while doing the runs .
Energy Drinks
It will be a poor scheme to equip all the damage-dealing items and miss out on the mobility ones. As mentioned earlier, Loader is a bulky beast who has mediocre dexterity. It is why we highly recommend using Energy Drinks since they can boost the sprint accelerate of Loader by 25 %. You can besides use this with Mercenary and see an ultimate boost .
Paul’s Goat Hoofs
This item can besides be used to increase the Loader ’ sulfur mobility. It increases her drift speed by up to 14 % .
The Ukulele gives every single attack a 25 % opportunity to hit up to 3 enemies within 20 meters with lighting for 80 % damage. Each stack increases the soap total of targets by two and the rate by two meters
ATG Missile
This detail gives the player a 10 % chance to launch a homing missile that deals 300 % sum damage ( per stack ), upon hit. The ATG Missile is extremely herculean for Loader when stacked, particularly in combination with early total damage proc. items such as Ukulele .
Final Analysis
stevedore in Risk of Rain 2 is a enormous survivor for dealing burst damage and getting out of harsh spots. As a melee character, developers struck a balance by sacrificing little on her amphetamine. however, they gave her two critical skills that enable her to flee crowd of enemies or take the crusade frontal by grappling herself right into the enemy ’ s side. Overall, out of the 11 survivors, she can offer assorted playstyles and makes very estimable use of some of the items in Risk of Rain 2. That concludes our Risk of Rain 2 Loader Guide. Hopefully, this guide will help you choose the best build and items for Loader so you can master this character and dominate the battlefield.
For a alike take, check out our risk of Rain 2 Rex Guide.